Forgotten Kobolt Goddess, Zeyamara, Patron of the Dragonspawn Evolution, Zeya for short

Zeya was a radical goddess who, in the infancy of the Kobolds, wanted them to have as many hatchlings as possible to grow their numbers and thusly overpower the other draconic races. While her sect quickly became popular among the younger generations, her worship died out because it was just too radical. She hinted to her followers that there would be ways to improve the race and become something greater than just a Kobold. She taught that being a kobold was just the first stage in their races evolution. The ultimate goal was to transform into a Dragon. But her sect never reach that goal and died out. They were considered radicals and daydreamers. That is way the sect appealed to the younger generation.   She took on many serpentine forrms. But she never took on the form of a true dragon saying that she would only do so once one Kobolt was elevated to draconic status.  The closes was a cross between a serpent and a dragon with wings.  Looking like a cross between a dragon and a Couatl.


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