
The Goblinoid Race consists of several members all linked by similar traits.   The weakest, but most numerouse and sometimes the fiercest, are the Goblins. Humans, and the rest of the "civilized races", often have a hard time relating to Goblins as they are capricious, fickle, unwarrantedly brutal, and just generally crazy for the most part.  They delight in battle and also in torturing their victims.  They will also eat their enemies for food.   The smartest, and undesputed leaders of the goblinoids, are the Hobgoblins. The Hobgoblins live a more civilized lifestyle - often in goblinoid cities or towns. Sometimes a very civilized Hobgoblin may even live among the humans in a human city or town, but it is rare. About 200 years ago, the Goblinoids all came together and formed a large military power. They were led by the Hobgoblins and they captured the Human civilization of (incert name), thus gaining cities, towns, villages, farms, etc almost overnight. The Goblinoids basically stole the entire civilization from the humans who had created it. Many of the humans died in the war, or, after the war some were able to escape and left fleeing to the human lands to the east, but still many stayed on and are living under the rule of the Hobgoblins. Some that stayed are slaves to the hobgoblins, but most are freemen who own businesses or work in trades etc. These humans have been able to carve a nitch within the Hobgoblin society and live in mostly human sections of the city were they raise there children and take care of their famlies in much the same way they did before being taken over by the Hobgoblins. The Hobgoblins allow this because they rely on the humans to maintain the cities and towns in much the same way as they had for the hundreds of years prior ot the Goblin invasion.  The Hobgoblins are learning how to maintain and even grow the cities and town from these humans, but it is often easier for them just to let the "humans do it - arfter all they did if for the first couple of hundred years".   The strongest, but least intelligent and laziest, are the Bugbears. They often can be found in goblin raiding parties or in the armies of the hobgoblins since they are very strong in battle. They are paid well when they do join such forces.

Articles under Goblinoids


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