Hasty Boots

They do not require attunement   You get expertise to the stealth skill. If you already have expertise in the skill, you can make the roll with advantage.   On the top ankle band of the right footed boot is the word Derecho and on the left footed boot is the word Izquierda. They can change their appearance at will, but the name is always written somehwere on them.   They increase your walking speed by 10 feet   For one hour per day (resetting at sunrise) you can travel very fast when not in combat - going up to 60 miles in that single hour and you will not be exhausted when this hour is done. You can break it up into shorter periods - but the total cannot exceed 1 hour. So you could travel 15 miles in 15 minutes, then meet with someone for 2 hours, and then travel 15 miles in 15 minutes back to your home - and you would still have 30 more minutes to use the boots. You can carry your regular equipment as long as you are not encumbered. If you are encumbered, the distance is half.   Your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can neither reduce your walking speed nor cause you to become paralyzed or restrained as long as you are walking (not flying).   You can walk on water   You can walk on air, as if it were solid ground - but you cannot change your elevation while in the air - so you can walk out from land into a chasm, and walk to the other side, but you could not walk down into the chasm.   If you fall, you can stop your self - but then you cannot go up or down - you can only walk at this level. Of course you can use other means of travel to go up or down.


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