Order of the Empty Crypt

This cult is evil and has ties to both Devils and Undead. The main priest was Kellum Mordock, but he was killed in 1515 in a great battle against the Heroes of Avondale. The cult took a big setback when Kellum was killed.   The Devine Power of this cult is a Lich named Jayden Crowe. Jayden was Kellum's father. Jayden cannot come into Mystival at the moment but he is trying to find a way. However he is able to get through some power and has some devout followers, some of whom are priests of his order. His power in this plane is growing and it is feared that soon he may find a way to physically come into Mystival himself and take revenge for his son's murder.   At the moment, this cult is small but growing. Jayden Crowe has some influence and power in Mystival, but he cannot physically enter the plane. But he is close to finding a way onto the plane. However, some Devils have been found in Avondale recently.   The fanatical sect of Hades church known as The Curators, fanatic and elite sect of Hades Church would have more information on Jayden Crowe and his cult.  But very few people actually know of the existence if The Curators, fanatic and elite sect of Hades Church.
Religious, Cult

Articles under Order of the Empty Crypt


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