Otung warriors species

The woman warriors are the tribal leaders in the Otung society.   The women are born LARGE (8 to 10 feet tall) and with ORCISH facial traits - and the women are the rulers / leaders in their community. They have light grey colored skin with light green colored sclera (which is “the white of the eye” but in her case it is light green, and red pupils. Pointed ears (like an elf) and orcish facial features (this is the only unattractive part of her). Very muscular. Long, black hair. They typically have tattoos on most of her exposed flesh, even their faces. Their ears are pointed, like elves’ ears are, but that is the only similarity. The women wear metal and bone piercings in their lips and nose. Except for their orcish faces, the women are extremely exquisite and very beautiful   Not many females stay in one group. For every 300 or so men, there is usually only 1 female leader. So, to appease the men’s sexual needs, they keep female slaves from other races. If a slave gets pregnant, their offspring is culled at birth if it does not have the grey skin and eyes of the male father. Typically, the offspring does have these traits because those traits are dominant. When the women breed, which is not often, they select their mate from the strongest of the males of their own race, often holding contests of strength and battle to select the mate. The coupling of the women leaders almost always results in a female birth while the coupling from the males to other races rarely results in a female birth.   Their long-ago ancestors were similar to stone giants (hence the grey skin and strange eyes and the size of the women)   The male of the Otung do have light grey skin, just like the females, and their eyes are also the amber colored sclera and the red pupils. They too have bone and metal piercings in their lips and noses and body tattoos. But that is were the similarity ends. The male Otung are not LARGE. They are only about 6 feet and 5 inches tall (and in game terms are only medium sized). And their faces are normal human – they do not have the orcish traits. They are fierce fighters. They too wear minimal leather armor. They only wield one weapon each and some use shields. Some of the men are archers. Their skin does give them some armored protection as it is harder than human skin, but yet they are still flexible.   There are many clans, each with one female chieftain. Each clan will have several females in it, but one is chieftain. All the clans do not always get along with each other and they do not often work together. But in times when they need to, they are able to put aside differences and come together – such as to defeat a common enemy. There is a council that is composed of one representative of each clan.   Their home lands are in the mountains to the west as you leave the mountain pass about a four-week horse ride. They make their homes in the mountains and use the land at the base of the mountains as farms. They have sentinels in the mountains to watch for approaching enemies, so it is impossible to surprise them under normal circumstances.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

This race is descended long ago from a race similar to stone giants - hence the stone grey skin that both the females and males of the race have

Additional Information

Social Structure

Female dominant culture

Facial characteristics

Grey skin (both the males and females) Orcish facial features (only in the females of the race - the males have human facial features)

Average Intelligence

Normal, but not as advanced culturally - still tribal
Average Height
Females 8 to 9 feet tall Males 6 to 7 feet tall
Average Physique
Strong and muscular, the females are more so than the males The females are 8 to 9 feet tall The males are 6 to 7 feet tall
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grey skin