
Intelligent sword.   Its nickname is Shadow rather than having to call it Shadowmancer.   Psychic damage is dealt instead of physical damage   It is a plus 3 weapon now   The wielder can see a man, but the man is the sword. And the man "follows" the sword. Meaning if the wielder lays the sword down, then the man lays down alongside the sword.   The man answers to Shadow.   Without a weilder, Shadow can only sit and wait. Perhaps using is psychic ability to call out to potential weilders and guide them to him.   Shadow is a bit unrefined - he likes women and comments on their bodies often. He yells obscenities at enemies. Sometimes this is just unspoken and only the wielder can hear it, but when he really gets going, it can become verbal. The wielder actually sees sound waves vibrate from the blade and they carry the sound. It is invisible, except to the wielder. He loves combat.   Shadow can see into the Shadow Realms and he can travel to a from the Shadow Realms, taking the wielder with him.   Shadow can hide in shadows along with the wilder granting a +5 to the hide roll as long as it is in shadows. This skill is nearly automatic - most of the time, but not all of the time, the sword does it on its own without the wielder needing to try. It is almost second nature.   Shadow has abilities that will be unveiled over time to the user. He can use any combination of the following three times per short rest - more often as he gets used to the wielder. He can try to use them again, before a short rest, and he will be successful on a roll of 1 on a D6.   1. Defensive Duelist - when an opponent hits you, you can add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack to see if it actually hits.
2. Savage Attacker - re-roll the damage and use either of the rolls.
3. While you hold the sword, you can use your reaction to make one melee attack with it against any creature in your reach that deals damage to you. You have advantage on the attack roll, and any damage dealt with this special attack ignores any damage immunity or resistance the target has.
4. Mage Slayer (as per the feat) when a creature within 5' of you casts a spell, you can use a reaction to attack. When you damage a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration. You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.
5. Shadow step - like the spell Misty Step, but instead it is from shadow to shadow - must be in shadow to activate it and can step to another unoccupied, shadowy area within 30 feet.   Shadow can take you into shadow as long as he starts from a place that has shadows - like not in bright light. He can take you many times back an forth. like 4 times total (so two times each way) without exhausting himself. So last week, when he took all 3 of you there and back, it exhausted him and you would have disadvantage on attack rolls using him. And on anything else he attempts to do. This time he just needs a short rest. Most of the time it will be a short rest that he needs. But a short rest for him means you also are at rest - he cannot rest when you don't also rest.   After being plunged into the brains of a strong, pyshic creature (a Brain Dragon) Shadow absorbed psychic engergy and now instead of your normal sequence of attacks, you can take ONE attack but at range - 30 feet range. You roll a normal to hit and you do your normal psychic damage and IN ADDITION, THIS attack also triggers the enemy to make any concentration checks at disadvantage. Perhaps with time, or if he gets more brain sushi from psychic creatures, he might get stronger with this ability and then you may be able to exceed the ONE attack and/or it might be at a longer range.  This is now increased so that you can take all of your attacks with Shadow at range.   While you weild Shadow, you have resistance to pyschic damage. This is because Shadow tries to absorb the energy as he likes to feed on it.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder


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