The Donut and Tea Shop

Serves only breakfast and lunch and only has beer and wines (no hard liquor). The sign is the symbol of a tea cup with a donut leaning against it. The owner is Marion Bright and she is also the cook and sometimes server. Her 15-year-old daughter, Melissa, is also a server and her 14-year-old son, Bradford, clears the tables and helps out with whatever else he can. Her husband, Thomas Bright, is often there but he sits at a corner table reading and he teaches his kids reading and math and other school stuff at this table. When he is not there, he is some type of a teacher or tutor to the children of wealthy families. He is very intelligent and people seam to seek his advice a lot. – If you want to stay out of the taverns, you can have a really good breakfast or lunch as this place. Very serene setting with outdoor seating. The outdoor area has canopy and overlooks quant storefronts and a small but nicely cared for garden.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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