The Mad Mage

Seven years ago he was arrested when a group sponsored by some local churches believed he was a necromancer. This group went to his home and has never been seen again. He was taken into custody and questioned but he would not reveal what happened to them. He would smile and cackle and laugh, but he would not talk about it.   Believing him to be both mad and guilty, they put him in a cell that has magic on it such that magic cannot be used in that cell. He has stayed there ever since. Mostly in silence, sometimes talking to himself and sometimes cackling madly.   His home was searched but no evidence was found. The home is still in his name and remains vacant. A banker from Avondale First Bank pays the bills for him still.   The Right Fist Entered his home and found evidence to prove he was not a necromancer and that he had not harmed anyone. So he was freed from Jail and is now an ally to The Right Fist.  See the session report 20200413 SESSION MAD MAGE and 20200420 session report Mad Mage continues and finally 20200427 and 20200425 Session, Mad Mage complex, Iron Golem, new allies, and a Pact with a Devil    He has a brother who is very unusual but also powerful.  His brother's specialty is in constructs but he infuses magic and some type of advanced technology too.


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