The Northern and Southern gates to Avondale

The two front gates (northern and southern entrances along the river) each have three separate openings and the gate on the north and south entrances are identical to one another.   Two of the three openings are for entrance via the roads, on land, and the third is for entrance via boat on the river. The two gates for the road are heavy metal gates inlaid with gold vines along the metal bars as decoration. The center gate for the river is much larger as it spans the river, it is also made of heavy metal bars, and it has two large symbols on it – the sword and red cloth of the royal family is on the left and the water and trident of Poseidon on the right. The three gates (the west road gate, the center river gate, and the east road gate) go up and down independently so that one can be opened while the others stay closed. There is a guard parapet atop the gate and two towers. Archers are stationed along the parapet and in the two towers.   The King’s symbol is the sword with the red cloth and Poseidon’s is the Trident and water     You can enter the front gate either by boat on the river of by either the east or the west path along the river.
Wall section
Owning Organization


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