The Southern Court Yard (just beyond the front gate closest to the bay)

It is a large open courtyard – paved in white and blue speckled cobblestones. At the northern end of the large courtyard there is a stone bridge arching above the river so that even large ships can pass under it and spanning the river. The bridge is beautifully constructed and ornately carved and adorned with decorative etchings and on the south façade of the bridge, facing the main gate, are statues of the King and Queen with open arms inviting you into the city. A third statue is between them which is the royal symbol of the red flowing cloak and the sword. It is made of the appropriate colored stones. The three statues are not on the bridge itself – they are on a platform connected to the exterior side of the bridge facing the city gate. (meaning they do not take up space on the bridge). They are human sized statues. They are very well made and very good likenesses. There is a guard post at each end of the bridge here. There are two guards always at each of the two gates.

There are many permanent stall-like structures along the edges of the courtyard and also some less permanent, but durable tented structures along the edges of the courtyard. These are filled with various venders who sell services and goods to the people entering and leaving the city. It is all well organized and policed -each courtyard is run by a courtyard master who is part of the merchants guild. And under their authority are Merchant Guild Guards (not city guards but hired men at arms employed by the Guild). The vendors must procure the right to their space – like a license to sell at that location. Prices tend to be slightly more than at stores within the city, but that is expected, and the prices are not that much more. So, for the convenience it is usually worth it.

From here you can go west, which leads to the Royal section of the city, however you would have limited access unless you are expected. You can also head North, which runs along the river, which leads into a merchant and shopping district on the west side of the river and taverns, restaurants, and inns on the eastern side of the river. There is some overlap – meaning some eateries are in the west side and some shops are on the east side. The merchants and shopping in this area are mostly stores where you would purchase finished goods. Or Jewelers where they could make jewelry and other fine things like that or herbalists and artists. You would typically find things like metal smiths and blacksmiths in the Courts, City Guard and Trades Section part of the city which is east off the main courtyard. There is also a guild hall storefront where businesses would register and also make any grievances. It is run by the Church of Hermes as that church overseas business administration in the entire city. East leads into an area called Courts, City Guard and Trades Section of the city where there are stables and workshops like metal smiths, carpenter’s etc. There is also a tradesman guild hall here. Tradesmen are expected to register and prove their merit and trustworthiness in order to operate a shop here. This too is operated by the Church of Hermes.
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Articles under The Southern Court Yard (just beyond the front gate closest to the bay)


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