Mystalyn, The Lady of Owls and Witches (Mist-Ah-Lin)

The Lady of Owls and Witches Mystalyn

Mystalyn is one of the greater gods, her domain lies over magic, owls, and witches.   Mystalyn is widely considered the mother of Magic and is believed to have gifted the first mortals with their magic during the entropy war so they could be soldiers in a war where they were too weak to make a difference. Others say it happened later, after the entropy war she used the last of her power to gift the sparks of magic to those who believed in her the most.   Regardless of whether it is true or not that she gifted magic to mortals, she inspires whimsy and curiousity in her followers of what can be done within the confines of our reality if we bend it to our will with the magic and abilities we are given. Her followers are mostly witches, but there are still some sparkless followers of Mystalyn who follow her teachings in other ways.   Most of the strongest Witch bloodlines claim to have an ancestral connection to Mystalyn either in the form of a direct blood link to her through a child of hers, or through an ancestor who was one of the first mortals blessed with magic.

Divine Domains

The Lady of Owls and Witches rules over a domain called The Arcanum of Owls said to be between the material planes and The Bright World in cosmology with an allowance for travel back and forth between the two if a deceased party has a place in The Bright World.   Worshippers of The Lady of Owls and Witches believe that her domain ties directly to the wellspring of magic. Additional beliefs on the appearance of the domain are contradictory with some believing it's a library, others believing it's like a village with a house for the lady on a hill in the distance, and some believing it is the wellspring of all magic and a place without form.


Mystalyn's Staff   Mystalyn's Familiar   The Incantations of Mystalyn

Holy Books & Codes

The Incantations of Mystalyn

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Lady of Owls and Witches' most commonly used symbol is a grey owl. The proper eye colour however is debated betwen whether it should be gold or turquoise.

Tenets of Faith

Be there for others who support you and support them. Those outside the norm need to stick together.
You cannot wait around for the universe to give you purpose, you need to take it for yourself.
Magic takes infinite forms and shapes, there is not one single 'proper' way to practice it, besides the one that works for you.
Magic and you are one and the same, and these things should not be constrained by the ideals and rules of another.
Even if you think something is without magic or purpose, everyone and everything has a little bit of magic in them from the strongest archmage to the smallest rock. You just have to find that thing, that smudge of specialty.
Divine Classification
Goddess of Magic, Owls, and Witches
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Debatably turquoise or gold
Long, Grey, and Rainbow


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