The Blood Oak (Bluh-Doek)

Written by Dracyan

The Blood Oak is the sacred tree of The Queen of the Supernatural, said to have been planted by one of her lovers The Kindred Spirit of Revenge, The Golden Phoenix, or The Frost Queen.   The Tree is massive with over a hundred different interconnected branches that some say form a system similar to that of a heart pumping blood. The tree itself has blood red bark and sickly green yellow hue to its leaves. Legends are told that Hoprekael can only be killed by a weapon fashioned from the wood of this tree and as such there are divine protections in place against anyone who tries to harm it directly.


The tree is in a circular clearing of other trees in the forest with five large mossy rocks on the outskirts of this clearing, and five more under the trees shade. In addition to the rocks, surrounding the tree is a ring of flowers in similar shades of yellow to the leaves of the mighty oak.
Its said that one could draw a perfect pentragram using the rocks as a guideline.

Localized Phenomena

This tree is a known place of power, its said one can gain mana from being near the tree, and that children born under it will be extremely powerful witches.
Some however claim to feel an eerie sense of dread around the tree, like people have died there before and will do so again, so it's considered a dubious thing to attempt to channel power from the tree even if The Queen of the Supernatural is considered a good deity.


Some time long, long ago the tree was planted by one of The Queen of the Supernatural's lovers as a gesture of courting, which one it was is highly debated, some even say that two or all three of them planted it together.
The Queen of The Supernatural accepted the gesture before they went to war and is said to have bound herself to the tree to heighten her power for the coming battles of the entropy war. When the primordials found The Queen of the Supernatural's weakness they attempted to exploit it but her lover(s) valiantly fought off any would-be killers and protected the tree.   In more recent times the tree has become a journeypoint for worshippers of The Queen of the Supernatural to pray to her and leave offerings after making the trek, some also do rituals in her name or choose to birth their children here in hopes of them gaining a fraction of energy from this place of power.


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