Werewolf (Where-Wolf)

Written by Dracyan

Bone breaking, a howling at the moon. Flesh tearing, and hair growing. A person turns from man to wolf in a matter of seconds before the very eyes of his unfortunate prey. Werewolves are a type of therianthrope brought on by cases of therianthropy, these therianthropes are characterised by their strength and ties to wolves, as well as being the earliest recorded type of therianthrope.


Culture and cultural heritage

Werewolf culture varies among packs, but near universally werewolves see other werewolves as family like siblings and parents, and non-werewolf therianthropes as cousins or more distant family. When one takes the bite, they become a member of the family, and a member of the pack of whoever bit them and it is on the one who bestows the bite to teach the bitten their ways. If the one who bestows the bite fails to teach the ways of the werewolf, it is the duty of another to step in during that absense. The one who steps in could be anyone as most all feel the obligation to teach new wolves and fold them into the ways, get them to accept the gift, accept the bite rather than rejecting it as a curse.   In larger werewolf culture the bite is seen as a gift and the highest honour one can bestow, is to bite a trusted friend in hopes that they can survive the turn and join the pack.

Shared customary codes and values

A common code among werewolves is loyalty to the pack above all others. The needs of the pack are above the needs of any individual and the pack helps each member. Betas obey the alpha for the needs of the pack, but the needs of the pack come above even the alpha.     The biggest piece of werewolf culture is putting the need of the pack over the need of an indiviudal, even the needs of the alpha. Most werewolves hold to a code of honour to the pack and putting the pack first before anyone and anything including themself.   Some werewolves also hold themselves above other types of Therianthropes and above non-therianthropes in an air of nobility to their power and abilities. Those who hold themselves high like that, are also typically the savage predators of the woods and mountains who feast on wandering travelers, or even unfortunate commoners in towns.

Foods & Cuisine

Werewolves like their meat raw and rare, and they sure do like their meat. Most werewolves become very hungry for meat preferring carnivorous diets and werewolves eat a lot. The preference of meat varies but hooved animals are a staple with things like moose and deer preferred on the coast of Vortil. Human and Humanoid meat are also common cuisine among more evil and unsavoury werewolves as they feast on the flesh of innocents. The most popular delicacy among werewolves, is livers. Most often raw there is something about the flavour that appeals directly to the palatte of werewolves making them a delicious favourite enjoyed by nigh all with the lycanthropic curse.

Coming of Age Rites

While these rites vary following below are some common ones.   First Blood: The first blood is a common practice among evil werewolves wherin they goad their children into taking their first life before the eve of their first full moon transformation. Anyone could be the young wolf's full blood, an elder, a child even, or just a standard adult who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some packs have the child hunt their first blood themselves, while others bring this first victim directly to the child.   Cardinal Moon: On a young werewolfs first full moon after reaching the age of 15, or after being infected with the bite, the wolf will shift on an event called the Cardinal Moon. Near all packs of therianthropes celebrate the Cardinal Moon as that is when an unshifted therianthrope truly becomes a member of the pack.

Common Taboos

The largest taboo one can commit is to attempt to reject the bite, chain oneself up and reject the shift and their new nature. One needs to learn control, but rejection of your nature and trying to chain it up is not the way. This taboo especially comes about from the closely guarded secret of how one cures therianthropy, which is known to involve the death of whoever bestowed the turning bite.

Common Myths and Legends

Several myths and legends float around the sphere of lycanthropic culture, mainly about the origin of werewolves and why the moon grants such strength.

Creation Myths

Tears of the moon: Some say during a genocide of old the moon cried for the departed wildlife and shone upon their bodies. Those who took in the light of the moon that night were brought back to life and given humanoid form and the ability to shift back and forth from man to animal.   Moonlit skins: A harsh winter struck, food and winter were scarce. The full moon hit and more warmth was needed so the best hunters went out to gather more food. snowstorms struck even in place where snow did not belong. The hunters struck down animals and crawled into the still warm corpses to weather the storm, and come morning these pelts were gone and just the hunters remained with newfound vigour and strength before they begun transforming each full moon into the animals whose bodies they used for warmth.   A blessing from The Queen of The Supernatural on the Long Night: War broke out in days of old between different groups and tribes. Few remained by the end and The Queen of the Supernatural granted those who did the strength to survive and transform into animals.  

Other Myths and Legends

The First Alpha's Legend: Long ago there were few werewolves who roamed the earth, hunted by soldiers of old who wished to destroy this new plight of monsters. One day the wolves were forced together into a corner and one of them stepped forward to protect them and lead them to safety. The soldiers who hunted them that day died, and Scortel rose as the first alpha, but he was not the one who killed them, it was his pack.


Beauty Ideals

Most werewolves follow the other beauty ideals of their societies but among werewolves specifically one is seen as more beautiful the more hair they have and the sharper and longer their teeth and claws. Some also believe it more beautiful when one's hybrid form more closely resembled a purebred wolf or winter wolf.

Relationship Ideals

Most werewolves in a close-knit werewolf society will mate for life with their partner, this relationship is seen as important but comes second to their relationship with the pack. The most important relationship in a werewolfs life is that of with their pack and with their alpha and it is believed one should always put the pack before themself and they should do whatever they can to aid their alpha in his, her, or their goals.
Watercolour painting of a werewolf holding a liver and wearing pants
Werewolf by Dracyan

Mytharian Werewolf CR: 5

Medium humanoid (any race, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 11, 12 in hybrid form
Hit Points: 10d8+30
Speed: 40 ft


17 +3


14 +2


16 +3


10 +0


14 +2


9 -1

Saving Throws: Con +6
Skills: Athletics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 15
Languages: Any lanuage
Challenge Rating: 5

Keen Hearing and Smell. the werewolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Multiattack. The werewolf makes two attacks with its claws, it can choose to replace one of these with a bite.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.   Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.   Howl (1/Day). The werewolf howls to alert its pack of its location creating an audible sound up to 3 miles away. All werewolves who hear the howl within 3 miles know the exact direction and distance it came from.  

Bonus Actions

  Change Shape. The werewolf polymorphs into a wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back into its true form, which appears humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size and speed, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.


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