Xogrim Tinkerfoot

Xogrim Tinkerfoot

A stout knowledgeable gnomish wizard enthralled in his own ideals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite tall for a gnome coming in at 3 foot 2 inches but definitely not frail being 55 pounds due to his slight need for physical activities when living alone.

Body Features

He keeps a perfect posture due to wanting to maintain his height since it is very important the way he displays himself. He has overwhelmingly large hands and feet in comparison to most gnomes.

Facial Features

Large nose and ears due to being a gnome and an almost magic-like holo black eye color seeing through the night granting him darkvision. He also is equipped with large bushy eyebrows not seeing the value in keeping them trimmed or waxed.

Identifying Characteristics

Short legs but a large torso meaning he can sit in a human-sized chair but his legs will flail about. He is always known to have a book on hand and other trinkets of sorts within close proximity. His ears also point outwards slightly whether that be the natural way they are shaped or due to always wearing a hat is unknown to most but himself. He also has long lucious grey hair perfectly aged.

Physical quirks

Xogrim likes to always move, sometimes described as a very busy-body type. Since he is always on an adventure he has a very weathered look to his hands and feet. He also has a scar on the right cheek but due to his age, it is well hidden not only because of wrinkles but the natural decay of scars. Not many know this because of his normal attire but he also has a birthmark on his left elbow.

Apparel & Accessories

Very colorful outfit to match his nutmeg earth-like skin color. Almost never leaving his abode without a hat on and a backpack/satchel around over his shoulders. Equipped with a quarterstaff disguised as a walking stick and a small leather belt. His favorite outfit includes a navy blue tunic embroidered on the front with a heavily worn look and a pair of stout basil boots that fit nice and snugly that were made by a wood-elven shoemaker.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xogrim "Tinkerfoot" Zielinski's life started in the Kingdom of Arga where his parents abandoned him at a young age as a child due to financial instability. He was then found by a dwarven master architect known as, Nalor Calduum. Xogrim then grew an interest in books and knowledge as Nalor was always found reading and viewing ancient architectural tablets and diagrams. Xogrim met a human in the city that he would later call his friend who was keen in the way of the streets. He went by the name of Banner and accompanied him throughout his travels in town. After the dwarven city ______ within the Kingdom of Arga that Xogrim dwelled in was wiped off the map due to a unique geological event he was compelled to visit the forest he longed to travel and explore. This is where Xogrim learned a majority of his magical prowess partly needing the knowledge in order to survive. He began to live more or less like a hermit used to being by himself and didn't quite feel right in a town full of Dwarves and Humans. One day he hears a rumor of an ancient primal language also called Primordial written in a dwarven scripture once written by the Stag God himself. Being more or less an addict to knowledge, he seeks the truth and mastery of this language to his utmost ability. Once he masters this language duly he feels content for only a moment in his life. Then suddenly gets an overwhelming lust for true enlightenment about nature therefore he travels the world trying to quench this thirst. After 40 years of travel worldwide he returns to his Weathered Bungalow where he consolidates everything he learned into several books of his own. Shortly after in a time period of only 10 years he peers out of his window day-to-day noticing the world falling into madness and chaos. He gets a knock on his door by the "Cult of the Oracle" spreading their faith to his corner of the woods near the edge of the mountains. On the spur of the moment, he noticed that he did not know what this Oracle was and grew a fascination with it. One day he finally decided to exit his hermit lifestyle that he has lived for the last 10 years and pretend to be a simple traveling tinkerer masking his true motivation in these troubled times.

Gender Identity





Learned the basics of reading, writing, and crafting through Nalor Calduum his dwarven father. But later taught himself all of his magical knowledge after he was influenced by Banner who said one day that he, "would need to learn how to fend for himself because danger could approach around any corner".


  • Traveling tinkerer
  • Secret part-time job as a magical specialist
  • Author
  • Librarian

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Multi-elemental magical knowledge
  • Mastery of the Primordial language
  • The defeat of Lord Rolkar
  • The successful escape of a living primordial being

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Rejected the first time he asked a girl out
  • Getting caught stealing magical scrolls and tomes
  • Simply forgetting his pants one day
  • Almost dying and barely being brought back from deaths doorstep

Mental Trauma

  • Loneliness
  • Abandonment
  • Addiction
  • Almost dying

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Deep intellectual thought
  • Multi-realmed perception
  • Adept in arcane knowledge
  • Knows much more than he can physically accomplish

Morality & Philosophy

  • Truth
  • Nature preservation
  • Magic preservation
  • Helping others
  • Let the world live the way it is supposed to live


  • Lying
  • Expelling magic
  • Leaving the house without a hat
  • Not locking the door
  • Stealing

Personality Characteristics


  • Height equality
  • Magical well-being and seeing magic being used
  • Knowledge
  • Oranges
  • Seeking power

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Speed-reading
  • Enchantment
  • Storytelling
  • History
  • Trinkets and technology
  • Magic
  • Being tall
  • Being stealthy
  • Hiding knowledge
  • Feeling pain
  • Strength

Likes & Dislikes

  • Women
  • Nature
  • Drinks
  • Food
  • Animals
  • Life
  • A good pair of shoes
  • Women
  • Secrecy
  • Hieghtists
  • Liars
  • Thieves
  • Feeble-minded individuals
  • Bad hand-writing

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Optimistic
  • Curiosity
  • Precise
  • Thoughtful
  • Ingrained with nature

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Knowledge addiction
  • Arrogant
  • Audacious
  • Loudmouth
  • Egotistical
  • Fixated

Personality Quirks

  • A busybody always wanting to do something
  • Always carrying a book
  • Laughs when nervous
  • Paces back and forth when thinking
  • Mumbles things to himself occasionally
  • Terrible liar
  • Can read two pages of a book at once
  • Ambidextrous


  • Washes his body once a day if possible
  • Washes his clothes
  • Brushes his teeth
  • Keeps his hair in pristine condition
  • Always sneezes or coughs into his elbow


Contacts & Relations

  • The Steel Eye
  • Nalor Calduum
  • Banner - Streetwise friend (one of the good tall people)

Family Ties

  • Nalor Calduum- a mastered stone smith and studies architecture throughout his days
  • Mother and father most likely passed away from old age, only saw them after birth but was financially inept and could not support me
  • A couple of unknown forest gnome cousins

Religious Views

Stag God- Fey Lord, used to be a Primordial God then ascended to a Popular God, his main role is to determine the King of Arga.

Social Aptitude

I know how to ask the right questions and I know who to ask, but I do not know when to stop asking or stop digging further until directly told not to. Overall an empathetic, respectful, active listener, and stupendous at conflict resolutions.


  • Tilting head when in deep thought
  • Rubbing the neck when he is embarrassed
  • Enjoys high-fiving at awkward times
  • Always sitting on the very edge of a chair
  • Jingling gold in pockets
  • Fiddling with trinkets
  • Twisting the rings on his fingers

Hobbies & Pets

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Adventuring
  • Crafting
  • Tinkering
  • Sightseeing


  • High pitched
  • Scottish kind-of
  • Flowing
  • Above swearing

Wealth & Financial state

  • Troves of knowledge (tomes, magical implements, spells)
  • Ornate clothing
  • Household/dwelling
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
4927 2e
The Kingdom of Arga: Eastern Rashar's Claws Mountains
Current Residence
The Weathered Bungalow
Holo Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 2''
55 lbs
Known Languages