Quin Photius Character in Mythic AU RP Group | World Anvil
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Quin Photius


Quyhn "Quin" Photius

Quin is an Oracle played by EnchantedPencil.   His main ref is here.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quin is above average in height, but otherwise rather boring looking. Besides the lack of eyes and all.

Facial Features

Did I mention he has no eyes? It's an oracle thing.

Identifying Characteristics

The pink highlights in his hair are quite recognizable. He is usually seen with a large tinted visor or sunglasses.

Special abilities

The usual Oracle lineup. Any foresight abilities must be used intentionally, he does not get visions involuntarily. Has also developed some technomancy related spells, though he derives pleasure from working with things hands-on and only resorts to magic if he's really stuck.

Apparel & Accessories

Likes to dress well, though he doesn't always go to the effort of ironing things. Wears a lot of navy blue, and less frequently pink. Sometimes is seen wearing large headphones to drown in music and shut out the world. And of course, always wears something dark and obscuring over his eye area, usually sunglasses.

Specialized Equipment

As an oracle, he can still see through enchanted glass orbs. Some of his visors and sunglasses he's managed to hack and embed small orbs into the corners of for convenience. He likes to carry around extras, though, just because. It's fun to roll one across a room and spy on people, okay?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quin is very secretive about his past, and very little is known about where he came from. (In other words, I haven't entirely figured it out yet.) But one thing is for sure, his childhood was shit. There are some implications that he was an orphan and grew up in an extremely toxic foster home environment. He's also preeeetty sure he was initially adopted overseas from some Asian country, but whatever paper trail for that has been lost.   He managed to turn out alright, though. Being able to scope out the consequences of his actions before he had to make them, through the use of his foresight abilities as an Oracle, made big life decisions much easier. If only he was as smart when it came to navigating social situations.   Knew Sophie Fourneir when younger, they went through a rebellious, slightly criminal, phase together.

Gender Identity



Bi with male preference


GED. Certified Apple Technician.


Works in the mall at the Apple store. Sometimes buys broken iphones and other electronics and fixes them up to resell on ebay.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Though he complains about the retail and customer service side of the job, Quin is actually rather proud of the job at the Apple store that he landed. He hopes some day to move on to a more official IT or technology job, but lacks the motivation to make it happen...   With natural intelligence and talent for working with technology, there's probably a few repair jobs he's done that were downright miraculous, but he doesn't think of these as more than any average day.

Failures & Embarrassments

Quin has always been apathetic and directionless, to the point of extremes. In the end, he's terrified of failure- therefore, if he never tries at anything, he can never fail at it.   Quin's personality and nature is to push people away, and there's a lot of relationships he regrets cutting off. Secretly he's extremely grateful for the few he's managed to repair and keep.

Mental Trauma

Having a wildly unstable childhood and upbringing probably wasn't that great on the psyche. Quin is surprisingly well adjusted, though sometimes he can be prone to violent emotional outbursts when frustrated.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent with a knack for technology and electronics, and any spells that relate.

Morality & Philosophy

Always look out for number one.

Personality Characteristics


More than anything he wants stability and reliability in his life. Oracle magic can only make out the most likely scenario, but the future is never guaranteed, so even his magic can't grant him certainty.   Luckily, he's beginning to achieve this. Now he hopes to build a better career in the technology field, though he finds it difficult to put in the extra energy to make it happen.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Besides his knack for technology, Quin is a surprisingly good teacher. Though he rarely makes use of the talent.

Likes & Dislikes

Doesn't like being touched, especially from strangers. Or talking to strangers. Or strangers in general. Or people in general.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quin is surprisingly tolerating and patient, and will put up with a lot without complaint. As long as it doesn't cost money, much time, or extended interaction, he doesn't mind going out of his way to help another. On rare occasions he really enjoys teaching people new things.


Contacts & Relations

Exes with Luke Delaney, but they still keep in touch.   Knows Sophie Fourneir in this AU somehow... Haven't quite figured out how...


Quin Photius


Towards Aryne




Towards Quin Photius



Met at Quin's workplace. Quin fixed Aryne's phone, and wanted to learn more about the modifications on it. They met up after he got off work and Aryne told him more about her government job.

True Neutral (Chaotic leaning)
Year of Birth
1992 26 Years old
Lol what eyes
Straight and black. Salmon/pink highlights frame his face.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"F*ck this noise I'm out."
Known Languages
English. And some programming languages.
Note to self: Hair part is mirrored in this AU. Mostly because I couldn't remember which side it was on when drawing new icons, trusted my memory, and then was wrong.

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