Captain Skipper

Skipper (a.k.a. "Skips", "Captain", "Cap'n", "Old Man", "Captain Skipper")

Skips, aka Captain Skipper, is an enigmatic seafarer. Knowledgeable of the Sea, it's myths, and it's customs, he is a wealth of knowledge and secrecy in a dangerous land. An old friend of Evelyn's, he has joined her and Up in Arms on their current adventure.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

An intellectual individual, Skips enjoys discussions of literature and art. He's particularly fond of seafaring legends as he's a virtual treasure trove of sailor myths. Ask and he'll tell you to never kill a seabird - it's bad luck. Never bring an old flame on your ship - it's bad luck. Never speak the name of Davy Jones - it' guessed it, bad luck!    Beyond academic knowledge of sailor customs and traditions, sometimes it seems as if Skips has almost clairvoyent knowledge of topics he shouldn't. How he knows so much is uncertain. Skips keeps his secrets very close to his chest. Including the time Gilgamesh claimed to see him take his face off like a mask...strange indeed.
Current Status
Working with Up in Arms
Current Location
Old (who knows??)
Clean cut, gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, wrinkly, leathery