Shimmering Sea

Harsh waves, whirlpools, monsters, and pirates make the Shimmering Sea a treacherous location. Due to it's inhospitable conditions, sailors avoid this region to the best of their abilities. Hundreds of islands are located within the Shimmering Sea, however many are uncharted and may possess dangers even greater than the sea, itself. Any adventurers traveling through the Shimmering Sea should only do so with the assistance of an experienced guide.


It's said that hundreds of islands dot the Shimmering Sea, each with their own distinct peoples, cultures, languages, customs, etc. This region of Mythologica is so varied, in fact, that experts believe it may be thousands of years before even half of it is officially mapped out. The Shimmering Sea is also located on a magic nexus which causes the effects of ambient magic to grow in intensity. This, in turn, causes strange and unnatural effects on the ecosystems and climates of individual islands, leading to even greater geographic diversity.


Governing control over the Shimmering Sea is currently in contest between two different factions: Lupe Reef and the Crimson Tide.   Lupe Reef is an island in the western waters of the Shimmering Sea, surrounded by large swaths of coral reef. Due to the coveted nature of the reef ecosystem, Lupe Reef has managed to accrue vast amounts of wealth, rivalling that of larger, continental nations. With money comes power and Lupe Reef has begun to exert their will over the islands of the Shimmering Sea, colonizing uninhabited islands and allying themselves with already extant island nations. The inhabitants of Lupe Reef, ruled by High Priest Kamohoali'i (Kamo), believe that their prosperity is thanks to a blessing from an ocean god.   The Crimson Tide inhabit Crimson Harbor, a small island nation within the center of the Shimmering Sea. Comprised primarily of pirates and criminals, the Crimson Tide takes in the forgotten, abused, and impoverished. Led by the mysterious Governor, the Crimson Tide pillage and torment the isles of the Shimmering Sea, preferring to steal from the wealthier nations. Since coming to power, the Governor has transformed the Crimson Tide, from a rag-tag group of pirates, into an organized crime syndicate with a fleet rivaling the size and ability of many larger continental nations. As they have grown in power, the Crimson Tide has drawn the ire of Lupe Reef and it's High Priest.    Since then, the two nations have been locked in a bloody war, leaving destruction in their wake. Each side will seemingly do whatever it takes to win and seize control of the Shimmering Sea. Who will emerge victorious? Only time will tell.


  • The Shimmering Sea
    A Map of the Great Shimmering Sea, unfinished. It will continue to be filled out throughout the campaign.
Known Islands:   Kanaloa - The moving city. Trade city built on the back of a whale.
Alternative Name(s)
The Deadly Sea
Location under
Contested By
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species
Known Dangers: