
Redcaps are strange, adorable little creatures that are born in places where blood is spilt from violence. They pop up from the blood as it dries, their little red caps poking out of the crimson red. Redcaps are incredibly dangerous, filled with an insatiable blood lust. They are weak to sunlight.

Basic Information


Redcaps have large heads with massive, glossy eyes. Their small bodies are highly nimble and dexterous. Born from red blood cells, once killed their bodies decompose back into pools of blood.

Genetics and Reproduction

Redcaps reproduce asexually. Like mushrooms, they pop up seemingly from nowhere out of spilt blood. Research has shown that only blood spilt from violent acts produce Redcaps, the more heinous the violent act, the more redcaps seem to spawn. Researchers theorize that Redcaps begin as spores that may only germinate in spilt blood.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Redcap diets consist primarily of blood and raw organs. It is unknown if their bodies are able to process any other materials.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Redcaps find other Redcap individuals covered in blood to be beautiful. Although they lack any romantic or sexual capabilities they still seem to have beauty constructs.

Gender Ideals

All Redcaps are born male, presumably. The lack of a noticeable female gender muddies this fact.
Unknown possibly from Hoftoft
Average Height
Geographic Distribution