BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 13

General Summary

This session began with the party making their way to the ruins, trailing behind Zangrim and Lord Hesiodos. Upon reaching their destination, the party made the collective decision to scare the two away so that they could explore the ruins without their interference. To gain entry to the ruins, each member of the party spoke aloud their greatest regret. Upon entering, the party was locked in, forcing them to explore the ruins to find an exit. While in the ruins, they came across some decent pocket change and saw two interesting murals on the walls/ceilings. One depicted the silhouettes of seven humanoid creatures, each separated by a line, with one, larger silhouette looming over the others. The other was similiar; seven silhouettes separated by lines with a larger silhouette looming over them forming a continuous circle on the dome shaped ceiling of a circular room. The pinacle of their findings within the ruins was a large, circular hole seemingly bored through the dome ceiling of the circular room with the mural and into the floor. The hole was deep, yet a visible light was emanating from the hole accompanied by the mouth-watering scent of fresh herbs and spices. The party descended into the hole. At the bottom of the hole was a kitchen? The room was tall and its door was large with a smaller door cut into it. The party hid and a few goblins, presumably cooks for a larger being entered to finish what they were cooking. The goblins emptied the contents of the large pot over the fire into a large bowl and began to clean the large pot. While they were occupied with that, the party snuck out, leaving behind the animated suits of armor which had cleverly hidden among the metal pots and pans that served as a sort of camouflage. The party made their way down a long, rouh-cut tunnel out of the kitchen and into a larger room with more finished features. Inside the room sat a Beholder upon a lavish throne being fed by a group of goblins wielding a large spoon. The Beholder greeted the party and introduced himself as Zor. The party convinced him that they were merely explorers looking for an exit. Zor insisted that they were instead treasured guests who should stay for dinner. He then called for his minion, Gar. Gar, another Beholder, then entered the room and introduced himself by saying, "I'm Gar". Zor then had several goblins carry in a large mess table and asked the party what they wanted to eat. They chose tacos, which Zor was unfamiliar with so he sent Claudia to the kitchen to explain to the cook how to make them. There Claudia concocted the plan to lead a workers' rebellion against Zor, that would start by feeding a taco to Zor, whose shell was made using a portable hole and throwing a bag of holding into said taco shell. The chef was reluctant for fear of the consequences of failure, but agreed to go along with the plan anyway. While the food was being prepared, the party kept Zor busy by offering him Hornshine, which he had also never heard of before. He downed a flask easily and went for another, at which point the liquor hit him and he flew off to relieve himself. While he was gone, the party gave a flask to Gar as well. Gar took the first flask easily as well, but also succumbed to the second one. Zor returned with a terrible headache, looking pale. Shortly after that, the food was brought out and the group ate. Ultimately the "taco bomb"plan failed due to the portable hole taco being mistakenly fed to Gar instead of Zor and chef's bad aim coupled with the intervention of some of Zor's gauth underlings looking for magical items to feed upon. Thankfully for the party, however, Zor was never learned of the attempted assassination of sorts and continued to treat the party in a cordial manner... kind of. Zor's headache was getting the best of him and he decided to call the night early and said for his guests to be sent to their rooms while he slept off the headache.

Report Date
04 Jun 2022
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