Myths & Subterfuge

Created by

Writers Team

Myths & Subterfuge is an Amber Diceless campaign based in a world roughly 100 years post Patternfall war. The tone of the campaign is intended to be more intrigue and investigations, rather than universe threatening super villains, but the campaign is young, so we'll see how it goes.   Characters start at 150 points and can use either the conventional point costs from the Amber rulebook or the partial power breakout that will be provided at request (totals are the same, but the partical power system allows for more flexibility). No restrictions on powers, if you want to something off book please reach out to me and we'll figure it out and assign a cost.   One aspect unique to this game is each character should select 4 "Primary Skills". Amberites, by their nature, have time to learn many things but can really only keep so many skills at an expert level at one time. These four will be the skills you have focused on most recently and will allow me to take those into account when providing you with information.