Random Barimen

Random Barimen

Born in 1228 AP as the first child of Paulette, Random  and his sister Mirelle were the youngest of the Royals and were largely ignored in the politics of the larger family.  Random took time to find his footing, spending hundreds of years in Shadow, primarily in his Shadow of Texarmi.  Seeming to lack any particular ambition, he was never given a formal position in the management of Amber city.   In the lead up to the PatternFall war, Random joined Corwin and assisted him in the efforts that would eventually lead to the victory of Amber over the Chaosian invasion.  He was selected by the Unicorn herself at the end of the war to the surprise of much of the family.  However he has since proven an effective ruler, choosing diplomacy and negotiation over the harder military approach taken by his father and later his brother Eric.   Random was to married to (now Queen) Vialle , a Remban noble he encountered near the end of the PatternFall war (2001 AP).  They have a son Martin, who is the current heir to the Throne of Amber.
Date of Birth
1228 AP
Amber City
Current Residence
Castle Amber
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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