Eric Barimen

Eric was the eldest son of Faiella, born on 379 AP, over a year before Oberon was officially married to Faiella.  While Eric was always treated as a Royal son of the line, he was never formally recognized by Oberon.  This is often to be the source of much of the friction between him and his younger brother Corwin, who was the first of Faiella's line to be awarded formal recognition.   Suspected, but never proven, to have a hand in the long disapearance of Corwin cast a long shadow over his career in Amber.  However, when Oberon vanished roughly 70 years before PatternFall it was Eric who brought the family together to work as a cohesive body to rule the Kingdom, eventually taking the formal title of Regent of Amber.   He was challenged by the sudden return of Corwin who attempted to take the Throne of Amber by force in 1998 AP with the assistance of Bleys and was forced to militarily defend Amber from his invading brothers.  Capturing Corwin, Eric imprisoned him for several years before Corwin escaped as the Chaosian invasion commenced in force.  Eric died several years later, matryed defending Amber City from the forces of Chaos.


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