Noble Families in Amber

The Great Houses of Amber

  House of Cantal, led by Lord Alistair (he/him) Cantal is an older house, aristrocratic and well established and landed.  Income generated primarily through enablement of trade.  Cantal generally supports the current Monarch.   House of Sorr, led by Lady Elizabeth (he/him) Sorr is an older house, aristrocratic and well established and landed.  Income generated primarily through leasing of land for fishing and mining as well as trade.  Sorr generally supports the current Monarch.   House of Craven, let by Lord Murdock (he/him) and Lady Mir (she/her) Craven is a very established house, stanchly traditionalist and tracing its founding back to the founding of Amber City itself.  Income generated through financial services and banking as well as venture funding.  Craven supported Eric during PatternFall and is somewhat out of favor with the current Monarchy.  It often opposes the reforms of the current Monarchy.   House of McTardent, led by Lord Rodrick (he/him), Lord Merrick (he/him) and Lady Talia (she/her) McTardent has more recently risen to prominence taking advantage of the more progressive changes enacted by the current Monarch.  Income generated primarily through trade promotion and enablement as well as artistic sponsorship.  McTardent is a strong supporter of the current Monarch.   House of Rockfin, led by Lady Olivia (she/her) Rockfin is based in The Golden Circle Shadow of Escanor but has been formally recognized in Amber as well and maintains a household in the city.  Income generated primarily through management of extensive natural resources in both Amber and Escanor.  Rockfin tends to remain neutral politically and only provides input in cases where it's interests are impacted.   House of Cho, led by Lord Neechan (he/him) and Lady Sayori (she/her) Cho is an older house but rose to power during and after the PatternFall war.  Income generated primarily through military equipement and training as well as provided mercenary services.  Cho supports the Amber Throne and claims to be uninterested in it's current occupant.   House of Gideon, led by Lady Ryan (she/her) and Lady Lauren (she/her) Gideon is based in the Golden Circle Shadow of Cassia but has been formally recognized in Amber and maintains a household in the city.  Income is generated primarily through financial  and logistical services but the House is also renown for it's skilled mediators, often utilized by the Monarchy.  Gideon is generally neutral to the Monarchy, supporting initiatives that steer more towards democratic reforms.  

Prominent Houses

Houses of note with influence who have yet to be formally recognized as a Great House   House of Meritak, led by Lord Reginald (he/him) Meritak is based in the Golden Circle Shadow of Escanor.  Income generated primarily through manufacturing and trade.  Meritak works aggressively to establish itself in Amber and is very active with the city guilds.   House of Sereni, led by Lord Ally (he/him) and Lady Ruane (she/her) Sereni is a newer house that has grown to recent power based on the progressive changes made by the current Monarchy.  Income generated primarily through out Shadow manufacturing.  Sereni is a firm supporter of the current Monarchy.   House of Bladewine, let by Esteemed Laran (they, them) Bladewine is a newer house that rose to power during the PatternFall war.  Income generated primarily through mercenary services and information brokering.   While not antagonistic to the current Monarchy, Bladewine's support always comes with a price.


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