Personages in Amber

Key Castle Amber personnel  
  • House Master (Head of Staff) - Victoria DerSandle (she/her)
  • Marshal of the Castle Guard - Michael Callip (he/him)
  • Stable Manager - Maria Kliene (she/her)
  • Head of Kitchen - Peter San Trip (he/him)
  • Head of Maintenance - Borak Zanderneer
  • Head of Lands - Silvie Turner (she/her)
  Notable Amber City Officials
  • Pontifex of the Church of the Unicorn - Sister Anabelle Cantal (she/her)
  • Marshal of the Amber City Guard - Delray Marsh (he/him)
  • Dockmaster - June Sanders (she/her)
  • Master of Guilds - Calendine Belier (they/them)


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