Rinaldo "Luke" Pentorin

Son of Jasra Pentorin and Brand Barimen, Rinaldo was largely raised independently and in secret by Jasra.  Blaming Corwin for the death of Brand, he spent many years making attempts on the life of Merlin Bariment on the anniversary of his finding out about his father's death.  However, over time he came to know Merlin and the attempts grew more and more half hearted, with them eventualy becoming reluctant allies if not steadfast friends.   Having abandoned his vendetta against Amber, Rinaldo accepted the Monarchy of the combined Kingdoms of Begma and Kashfa, eventually becoming known only as Begma.  He has ruled there very successfully with the assistance of his mother Jasra Pentorin (the principle force behind the Begman Trade Authority) and they have built Bemga into a powerful trade rival to Amber itself.


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