The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle



Exports: Foodstuffs Imports: Finished Goods Religion: Way of the Unicorn Rulers:
  • King Rinaldo, Queen Dowager Jasra
  • Prime Minister Orkuz, Lady Kinta Boecton, Daughter Nayda (deceased), Daughter Coral
Notables: The Shadow in which Deela the Desacratrix was slain.   Begma is a rural kingdom with a simple and faithful way of life. they are rarely moved to anger over anything but the mineral rich Eregnor province often controlled by rival Kashva. Sparring between the two regions ceased when Amber helped Begma defeat Kashva and they were united as the single Kingdom of Begma.   Under the rulership of King Rinaldo and his formitable mother, Begma has built a significant trade empire of it's own and the Begman Trade Authority (and it's contracted subsideraries) rival Amber in many Shadows.  Amber's monopoly on inter-Shadow trade is the primary factor allowing it to retain supremacy.  


Exports: Military equipment, Ship building Imports: Foodstuffs, Finished stonework Religion: Way of the Unicorn Rulers:
  • Pendragon Kanchee Ban
  Caradoc is a Pendragondom, ruled by a central Pendragon who manages nine subordinate Caers by force of arms.  


Exports: Silks & Spices, Luxury items Imports: Metals, Skilled Labor Religion: Way of the Unicorn (local variant), Cassia Patheon with numerous local variants Rulers:
  • Senate Master Malcom Sereni
  Cassia is a republic managed by a senate. Change is slow and methodical.  


Exports: Gold, Raw and worked metals Imports: Foodstuffs, Dyes Religion: High Unicorn Principles (Significant variant of Way of the Unicorn) Rulers:
  • Pontifex Rallon McSander
  Chaneron is ruled by a theocracy, which while fairly benevolent has strict rules of behavior the guide the daily lives of citizens. High Unicorn Principles is recognized, somewhat reluctantly, by the Amber based leadership of the Way of the Unicorn.  


Exports: Seafood, Glasswork Imports: Raw and worked metals Religion: Way of the Unicorn Rulers:
  • King Orilanz, Queen Lairaz, Daughter Dala
  This island kingdom is primarily made up of fisherfolk but has a thriving tourist industry.  


Exports: Silks, Dyes and Luxury Exotics Imports: Foodstuffs, Raw materials, Tourism Religion: Way of the Unicorn (not widely observed) Rulers:
  • King Maximillian, Queen Cassiopia, Queen Calendine, King Rubert
  Escanor is a luxury kingdom ruled by a quartet of leaders. The land is wealthy and largely serene. Relaxation and spectacle rule in a land where milk and honey has flowed perhaps too long.  


Exports: Music and musical instruments, Leatherwork, Livestock, Wool Imports: Worked metals, Luxury items Religion: Way of the Unicorn (local variant) Rulers:
  • Clan Chief Viridance Sand
Notables: Formerly the Kingdom of Ghenesh, which was destroyed by the Moon Rider invasion of 326 AP. Place of death for Osric and Finndo Barimen.   The Shadow is made up of a collection of loosely organized clans that manage livestock and live semi-nomadically. Helmwind is particularly renown for it's leather and wool which is without equal in the Golden Circle.  


Exports: Fabric, Drugs, Textiles Imports: Foodstuffs, Wines and luxury items Religion: Way of the Unicorn, Way of the Sand Spirit with local variants Rulers:
  • Sarif Alexander Gaine, Lady Elante, son Paris
Notables: Contains the remains of Marador, a civilization of mental mages with some Shadow travel ability. Marador attempted to set itself up as an independent rival of Amber and was eventually passified by Oberon in 483 AP. Rumors of remants of Marador teachings are rumored to still exist within Lambar society.   Lambar is a domain of high intrigue, sandy deserts and luxurious oasis, ruled by a sophisticated and complex nobility.  


Exports: Mercenary Troops, Science and Technical expertise, Manufactored goods Imports: Finished Goods Religion: Way of the Unicorn Rulers:
  • King Miranda Balencia, Lady Consort Jessandra, son Valraven
Notables: Lamorak has one of the finest universities in the Golden Circle, including associated Ways into scientific organizations across Shadow.   Lamorak is a highly organized Kingdom with a focus on science and related arts. Physical rules in this Shadow allow for a wider range of scientific endevor.  


Exports: Wines, Spirits, Perfumes, Luxury Items Imports: Foodstuffs, Raw materials, Tourism Religion: Way of the Unicorn (local variant) Rulers:
  • Regent of the Lost King Tarric Cantel, Lady Mara, son Perrin, son Balamat, daughter Corilane
Notables: Lynonesse was the first Kingdom granted Golden Circle trade partnership.   Lyonesse is an ancient and well established Kingdom that has fallen largely into luxury and decadance.  


Exports: Ships & Ship components Imports: Foodstuffs, Military equipment Religion: None official, different tribes have individualized religious observance Rulers:
  • Majestic Baldric Rocktine, Lady Hellen, son Bannon, daughter Eloise
Notables: Rumored to be a significant source of piracy.   Majestic Baldric rules a nation of fiercy independent and often warring clans. Much of his time is spent keeping them in line. Srathclyde has numerous shipyards and excellent shipwrights, which for a sizable industry and foreign trade. Unfortunately it also leads to a real problem with clansmen taking to the seas as pirates.  


Exports: Hardwoods, Printing Imports: Foodstuffs, Finished goods Religion: Way of the Unicorn Rulers:
  • Queen Minerva
Notables: Westmere is fiercly devote in the Way of the Unicorn and their recognition as a Golden Circle shadow was largely motivated by pressure from the Church.   The Kingdom of Westmere is near fanatical in it's devotion to the Church of the Unicorn. A people of low fertility, Westmere is an outpost of civilization in an otherwise barbarous Shadow.


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