Mon, May 20th 2024 07:09   Edited on Fri, Jun 14th 2024 06:41

It's A Trap! Maybe.

After the excitement in the Armory, Sunni begins prep for the evening's festivities. She has reconnaissance to do, and possible terrorist targets to suss. These two are maybe not the same. As time is of the essence for the evening's meeting, she reviews her data about the Mercurial Merchant and decides if she needs more first hand information. She laments that she waited too long to set up her own pool of spies. You never have them when you want them, unless you're Caine.   If her knowledge is fairly thorough, she will happily stay with her coffee, teacakes, map and spreadsheet.
It's a upper middle class pub/bar, depending on time of day. Patrons are primarily the merchant class and lower end nobility who just want to have lunch rather than participate in spectacle. Food is good, drinks are not overly strong and prices are reasonable. It's where you go for a date or catching up with a friend, not where you go for a night of rowdy drinking and a bar fight. You have heard of it, although it's not the sort of place you would attend unless you were out with a significantly lower ranked friend and wanted them to feel nice, but not out of place. You've been there maybe 3 or 4 times. There is a front entrance and two entrances in the back the kitchen uses, a worker's door and a small loading dock. Mundane disguise is fine, no one is looking for celebrities here. If there is any magic about, you don't sense it (other than the usual background Amber buzz). When you are there the crowd seems perfectly normal, even to your socially attuned senses. Folks are comfortable and largely ignoring other tables. We'll play the actual meeting live, but happy to do any recon or set up you want here.

Thu, May 30th 2024 10:19
Fri, Jun 14th 2024 06:41

Awesome, thanks!