Genasi Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Genasi (jeh NA see)

Water, Fire, Earth, Air... From one, there are many

CobaltDM - June 24, 2022
"Any born of another plane is likely to draw the ire of the Prime Material. Such is the nature of our kind. Such is the nature of our gods. Genasi, however, have proven that they are nothing but refugees from the rage and destruction of Yparxis. How they came to be here is uncertain, but the world has mostly accepted their permanency. They are truly spectacular and vastly interesting, some with hair of fire or others with skin of stone. I was lucky enough to meet one in the subterranean city of Orkorta..." - An excerpt from "The Travels of Hafrick Moriarty"
Genasi were created by Yparxis to inhabit the Elemental Planes of Storm, Flame, Stone, and the Sea. It is unclear how many other Elemental Planes there are and thus, how many other types of Genasi there are. Only four have managed to escape into the Prime Material: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Although they are different, they are alike in many ways.  

Elemental Origin

Genasi have roughly the same height, build, and lifespan as humans. However, each Genasi's appearance and capabilities are heavily influenced by the plane of their origin. Their skin, hair, and eyes all can have a variety of shades and textures depending on which element they draw their power from.  

Fleeing The Reacher

Genasi came to the Prime Material through unknown means about 400 years after the creation of Elves. They all came at once but with no knowledge of their home or how they arrived in Mytkora, except that they were fleeing "The Elder One" which was discovered to be Yparxis. It took some time for suspicions to die down, but society eventually accepted them. Genasi have spread out across Mytkora, though there are some small communities tucked away in the parts of the world that most resembles their respective element.  

Determined Versatility

Genasi, much like humans, can find work in almost any profession. They tend to learn quickly and aggressively, latching on to a particular skill or craft and practicing it until it is mastered. As such, they are eager apprentices and have built a reputation for good work ethic. They can be found in any major city as well as in several smaller towns, and the population is on the rise due to the children of interracial relationships involving Genasi always being born as Genasi.
Playable Race Details: Genasi

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