Dragonmarked Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


The Dragonmarked of Myzelis share much in common with their unmarked kin, although they have are invested with different abilities, often either born of magic due to experimentation, or having undergone arcane rituals to become infused with power that flourishes as they grow.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Gylidder Dragonmarked (any)

  Gylidd does not have dragonmarked houses, instead each Aethrin has natural affinity for certain types of bonded magic that manifest in similar ways. Their investiture can appear as a literal mark upon their skin, or it may not, as befits the individual.  

Mark of Healing


Eslaiqi Halflings

  The Blessed Hands: Individuals from the region have always made strides to work in alternative forms of healing, usually in concert with the Sametsuen, others have been blessed with a sort of divine form of healing that they share within their community. These folks always come from Sametsuen bloodlines or have some lineage tying them back to the original Sametsuen. Marked usually with an unusual pattern of birthmarks upon their palms, these saghir have an magical potential for healing like none other. Their touch is known to heal minor and severe wounds and those who learn to channel it are said to have an air of good health that follows them around. Some of these marked, or blessed depending on who you ask, have applied their abilities to the study of the arcane, working along with folks to find new alchemical, herbal, arcane, and divine forms of healthcare to share with the people of the world.  

Mark of Hospitality


Eslaiqi Halflings

  The Welcoming Hands: Similarly marked to their "blessed" counter parts, these saghir tend to have unusual collections of birthmarks upon the back of their hands. These folks typically come from one of a variety of the smallest of the halflings in the region, however they are said to have the personality of ten of their likeminded counterparts. Known to be some of the best chefs, brewers, and innkeepers Eslaiqeza has to offer. They commonly flourish within the many guilds of Eslaiqeza, and find themselves in positions such as guides, translators, and diplomats working throughout the region.  

Mark of Scribing


Verberan Gnomes

  House Istvil of the Chasyl Triad: The Chasyl Triad is made up of three distinct houses: House Iravil, House Istvil, and House Itasvil. The members of these houses all bear marks that grant them power. It is widely believed that these three houses were those who founded the city, and the marks were bestowed upon them by the celestial dragon Pyxrin, who is worshipped as patron of the city. Each house’s mark grants different abilities and is represented by a different creature, which are viewed as sacred throughout the city. House Istvil bears the Mark of the Cockatrice, which grants magical abilities related to communication and sharing information. Each mark allowed the houses to better create the city of Elaira and maintain it to this day. Currently, the leadership of the Triad is in flux. The former head of House Itasvil recently died, and the matriarch of House Istvil isn’t far behind. The mault of House Itasvil are in the process of deciding a new head from the four existing children with a claim to the seat, and the nim of House Istvil are making preparations to do the same.  

Mark of Shadow


Verberan Elves

  House Iravil of the Chasyl Triad: The Chasyl Triad is made up of three distinct houses: House Iravil, House Istvil, and House Itasvil. The members of these houses all bear marks that grant them power. It is widely believed that these three houses were those who founded the city, and the marks were bestowed upon them by the celestial dragon Pyxrin, who is worshipped as patron of the city. Each house’s mark grants different abilities and is represented by a different creature, which are viewed as sacred throughout the city. House Iravil holds the Mark of the Hydra, which imbues its members with talents related to deception and confusion. Each mark allowed the houses to better create the city of Elaira and maintain it to this day. Currently, the leadership of the Triad is in flux. The former head of House Itasvil recently died, and the matriarch of House Istvil isn’t far behind. The mault of House Itasvil are in the process of deciding a new head from the four existing children with a claim to the seat, and the nim of House Istvil are making preparations to do the same. Only House Iravil’s future is secure in its matriarch, unless unforeseen circumstances end her rule early.  

Mark of Warding


Eslaiqi Dwarves

  One of the Welcomed: Eslaiqeza has a large population of those who have come in from otherlands to find a new home within its borders. Coming from all over Myzelis, anyone can find a niche for themselves within the large stretches of land, the huge cities, and deep forests of Eslaiqeza.  

Verberan Dwarves

  House Itasvil of the Chasyl Triad: The Chasyl Triad is made up of three distinct houses: House Iravil, House Istvil, and House Itasvil. The members of these houses all bear marks that grant them power. It is widely believed that these three houses were those who founded the city, and the marks were bestowed upon them by the celestial dragon Pyxrin, who is worshipped as patron of the city. Each house’s mark grants different abilities and is represented by a different creature, which are viewed as sacred throughout the city. House Itasvil hold the Mark of the Manticore, which allows them to create wards and defensive measure of all varieties. Each mark allowed the houses to better create the city of Elaira and maintain it to this day. Currently, the leadership of the Triad is in flux. The former head of House Itasvil recently died, and the mault of House Itasvil are in the process of deciding a new head from the four existing children with a claim to the seat.