Hsar in Myzelis | World Anvil


This ancient city was founded in the Mortal Era in 2472 AI by Xaverik the Crooked as a haven for villainous scum, dread necromancers, devil worshippers, demon summoners, poisoners, assassins, thieves, slavers, and other outcasts of civilized societies. It was built along the Unknown Shore, a coastline northeast of Gylidd on a separate continent, and was sacked about 300 years ago (the 14th day of Tahla, 3210 AI). The exact location of Hsar has been lost to the Brume, even though it was settled atop a faint leyline, due to the thorough nature of Aurelius Zelkor's successful campaign.   Villainy and depravity were rampant in the city. Creatures and aethrin from all over Myzelis were kidnapped and brought here to be sold, eaten, rendered undead, or worse. One of the rumors that has lasted through time was of its central feature, a massive green and black stone building called the Mausoleum of Graves, dedicated to the worship of The Master. Within its unhallowed depths, it was said that millions of people had died, and millions had been raised as an undead army.   When the threat of Hsar grew so great that it could no longer be contained in its hidden land, the Gylidder Guard formed a coalition army of nearly one hundred thousand volunteers, called the Army of Light, to seek out the city and raze it to the ground. Under the command of Zelkor, the Army of Light sailed around Gylidd and laid siege to the city, destroying it within two years (from 3208 to 3210 AI), razing its bones and churning the earth beneath the city with powerful magic to make sure it stayed dead.   Unfortunately, some of the dark forces of Hsar had escaped.   To Zelkor's surprise, rather than escape further into Myzelis and away from Gylidd, the refugees of the city sailed back toward Gylidd. Before long, the Army of Light's pursuit arrived at an impasse. The refugees had made landfall on Gylidd's eastern shores, and their ships were already half consumed by the Brume, but not entirely. Zelkor and his lieutenants made the hard decision to follow the remaining cultists into the Brume, for a chance to put an end to their evil once and for all.   It is commonly believed in Gylidd Syn Aethri that Zelkor and the Army of Light were successful, but none who live can know for sure, except Vrokíva...

Cover image: by Colin Chan