Leonin Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


Leonin are lion-like humanoids, who tend to be tall compared to humans and move with a boldness that suggests their physical might. Tawny fur covers leonin bodies, and some grow thick manes ranging in shades from gold to black. While their hands prove as nimble as those of other humanoids, leonin have retractable feline claws, which they can extend instantly. This, along with their ability to produce bone-shaking roars, gives most leonin an air that readily shifts between regal and fearsome.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Eslaiqi Leonin

  The Primal: One of several of the more animalistic of peoples to have come from the Feywild of The Dancery. These fierce champions for justice tend to help keep the other more chaotic members of their communities in check. Typically resembling lions of of all sorts, Eslaiqi Leonin are also known to occasionally take on a more red tinted hue, giving them a similar appearance to the lions of the Carmine Approach. Leonin can be found sporadically throughout the region, but many prefer to avoid the large cities. Even more find a calling to Feywild, leading to many coming back to The Dancery throughout their lifetime. During this time away however, the Leonin are known for their advancements to the philosophies of Eslaiqeza, leading to a large number of practices being brought back to The Dancery.  

Gylidder Leonin

  Prides of the Gwassten: Where the warmth of the Effluvian Jungle rolls over the Byrly Hills and the shade of the day follows the sundial canopies of the lonesome, colossal Clodd Trees, the vast majority of the Leonin people can be found. Much of the settlement of Segland is tended by the lionfolk, and they can be seen traveling in highly mobile prides from as far west as the fields of Walhamen to as far east as the foothills of the Bite. The River Gwyliptr is sacred to them, featuring heavily in their sun-themed rituals as they seasonally make pilgrimages to it to cleanse themselves and protect its life-giving waters. Despite their highly mobile status, they have subterranean outpost lairs along the grasslands that remain guarded year-round, where the capable and prolific artisans of their species work to hone their craft. There is no single pride that rules the others, and each one has separate representation in the Gyliddring, but the most well-known of them is the Pride of Cynifon Dal (Gylidder Leonin for "Tall Tails"), led by Zetlee Dal, a ranger well-regarded for following in the footsteps of old Segunther Mardo's legend.