Shifter Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


Shifters resemble humans but with more bestial features. Their bodies are physically fit and lithe, they tend to move around in an animalistic manner, crouching, springing and leaping.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Eslaiqi Shifters

  One of the Welcomed: Eslaiqeza has a large population of those who have come in from otherlands to find a new home within its borders. Coming from all over Myzelis, anyone can find a niche for themselves within the large stretches of land, the huge cities, and deep forests of Eslaiqeza.  

Gylidder Shifters

  Genteel Lycanthropy: The Shifters of Gylidd are mostly descended from the heavily diluted bloodlines of lycanthropes, some of whom were created by the Brume of Vrokíva herself to hide within civilization and tear it down from within. Over the millenia, enough of these beings have lost sight of their original goal to allow for entire generations of half-lycan, quarter-lycan, and ultimately descendants with only enough in common with their beastlike ancestors to draw it forth for a very limited time. As many lycanthropes - especially werewolves - are infamous as agents for the dread possessed Incari, much of the populace is fearful of shifters, if mainly for admittedly superstitious reasons. As a result, shifters in Gylidd often take great pains to appear exceedingly mild-mannered when they live near the central districts of Gylidd Syn Aethri City, but plenty of areas exist outside of it for those who chafe at the idea of hiding their truth to make peace. One such place that is well known to most everyone is the Rumble - a hilly region in southern Gylidd in the evening shadow of the Three Brother Mountains; Eld, Mydd, and Ywe Brawd. They live territorially and distantly from one another, but never too far to share a howl when the moons are right. As for the enclave of Shifters living in the township of Hablodd, this large gathering of farmers and craftpersons is led by Wilhelmyra the Coppercoat, a reputable merchant who has worked very hard to earn a seat at Gyliddring with the endorsement of the Wild Synga.  

Verberan Shifters



  Grondr and Gurahl Shifters: Shifters are not a true race, but a curse so potent it changes a person on a biological level. Shifters can come into existence in one of two ways: they can either be born a shifter, or they can inherit the curse of lycanthropy that has been diluted to the point that they become a shifter rather than a true lycanthrope.  


  Bastet and Garou Shifters: Shifters are not a true race, but a curse so potent it changes a person on a biological level. Shifters can come into existence in one of two ways: they can either be born a shifter, or they can inherit the curse of lycanthropy that has been diluted to the point that they become a shifter rather than a true lycanthrope.  


  Corax and Ratkin Shifters: Shifters are not a true race, but a curse so potent it changes a person on a biological level. Shifters can come into existence in one of two ways: they can either be born a shifter, or they can inherit the curse of lycanthropy that has been diluted to the point that they become a shifter rather than a true lycanthrope.  


  Cama Shifters: Shifters are not a true race, but a curse so potent it changes a person on a biological level. Shifters can come into existence in one of two ways: they can either be born a shifter, or they can inherit the curse of lycanthropy that has been diluted to the point that they become a shifter rather than a true lycanthrope.