Siege of Sydathria Military Conflict in Myzelis | World Anvil

Siege of Sydathria

This is a concluded event.
    On the 15th of Zhira, Koujin declared war on Verbera. Four days later, on the 19th, Sydathria faced its first attack from Koujin navy. The conflict ended on the 22nd of Zhira after two days of battle, and a formal apology was issued by Oda Deva of Koujin on the 24th.   With the Verberan response to Oda Deva of Koujin on the 25th of Zhira, the Siege of Sydathria officially came to an end... although the repercussions of it had already left ripples in both their Realms and others.
Conflict Type
Start Date
15th of Zhira, 0 AE (3518 AI)
Ending Date
25th of Zhira, 0 AE (3518 AI)

Detailed Timeline of Events


Zhira 15th

  On the 15th of Zhira, a concerning message is broadcast from the capital of Koujin, in Kaedo. Over the days and weeks after, the news spreads from Koujin out to the rest of Myzelis through newspapers, town criers, and tavern banter:    
"Citizens of Myzelis, I am Meidiji Deva, the current Ceo of Dici. It is with a heavy heart that I must be the bearer of this awful announcement. Koujin agents have conducted a thorough investigation into the disappearance of Oda K, the valiant leader of Akicorp and my brother Meidiji Asura. The investigators have come to the grim discovery that both men were assassinated by Sydathrian natives off the coast of Verbera during a routine trade negotiation.   Verbera has committed a heinous crime against the people of Koujin, and taken two important people from me. I do not know what Verbera’s motives are, and I don’t care. Verbera has spit on the legacy of our people, and we will not stand by and take it.   We have been without leadership for two months, and within those two months I have made a discovery. Oda K’s will, it delivered news I was not expecting. He was my real father. I am not of the Meidiji bloodline like originally believed, but I am an Oda. I wish I had received this news from my father in person, but Verbera has stolen that from me.   With permission of the remaining Ceos of Akicorp and the wills of my Ancestors, I have been given emergency control of Koujin and it’s military. As of today I have received the title of Oda Deva, Ceo of Akicorp and Ruler of Koujin. Formalities and rituals can wait for now, we must act.   As my first order as Ceo, I desire to avenge the deaths of my father and half brother.   Verbera has killed our leaders.   Verbera has killed our friends.   Verbera has killed the peace that Myzelis has cherished.   Verbera, this is a declaration of war."

Zhira 16th

  An Eslaiqi organization, Blue Press News, circulates the following report out from an office in Hoshi, Koujin, and it thereafter quickly spreads beyond Kaedo's shores.    

Breaking: Koujin declares war with Verbera

  By HALLING ABBAS 16 Zhira   HOSHI (BP) - In a recent declaration from Akicorp, war between the island nations of Koujin and Verbera has been declared by newly instated Akicorp leader, Oda Deva. According to a recent investigation coming from a local team of Koujin agents, it has been discovered that the disappearance of Oda K and Meidiji Asura two months ago was due to an assassination on the part of individuals from Sydathria.   The declaration was made Wyrday, 15 Zhira, in an impassioned speech by Deva. In addition to the announcement of the assassination, Deva has been given emergency control of the Koujin and its military in the wake of another discovery, that Oda K was in fact Deva’s father. Oda Deva concluded his speech to the people of Myzelis with the official declaration:   “Verbera has killed our leaders.”   “Verbera has killed our friends.”   “Verbera has killed the peace that Myzelis has cherished.”   “Verbera, this is a declaration of war.”   We have yet to hear word back regarding a response from Verbera and local leaders in Sydathria. An ongoing effort is being launched by the BP News to see how they will be responding to these rather serious allegations and dealing with the region's first armed conflict. Blue Path Peacekeepers have been deployed to ensure the safety of Eslaiqi expats working alongside the College of Expanded Arcana.
    Shortly before the people of Gylidd Syn Aethri begin to catch wind of the escalation of war brewing in the south, Advocate Amrith Hogaine - chief diplomat of Gylidd - sends an open letter to be published in all Gylidder newsletters and copied into missives sent to the other Realms of Myzelis.    
"My fellow Aethrin,   "As of the moment you read this, factions within two great Realms of Myzelis - Koujin and Verbera - have gone to war. Our hope that the Age of Exploration would represent an opportunity for our world to heal and grow, but instead we are given this uncomfortable reminder as yet another chance to reflect upon the inherent nature of our mortality and our singular perspective. The clock of peace is stopped, its hands reset and halted to start again another day.   "As is tradition, the island of Gylidd and the City of Gylidd Syn Aethri have always been and will forever be neutral ground when conflict arises between the Aethrin. Any belligerents of either warring faction, their allies, or agents have twenty four hours to vacate the island of Gylidd, its Underdark, and the Binding Sea. Any forces found to have remained in our territory after this grace period will be interned until the cessation of hostilities and the bindings of a ratified peace accord signed by all parties involved. Deserters will also be interned until the end of the conflict, at which point they will be offered asylum. Any weapon of war, fortification, or resource discovered in Gylidder territory will be forfeit. Trade will continue for ships registered to Gylidd, but ships registered to a belligerent Realm are subject to search.   "As is also tradition, any innocents, refugees, and conscientious objectors displaced by this conflict will be given refuge, as will any escaped prisoners of war (for a short while until they can be returned to their faction). It is our hope that whatever caused this conflict is resolved quickly, for the sake of Aethrin everywhere."   Advocate Amrith Hogaine
Chair of the Civic Synod of Gylidd Syn Aethri
    Through Animal Messenger, Dream, and other subtle, crafty methods of magical and mundane communications, Wrenjers living in and around Kaedo, Verbera, and any Realm nearby begin to receive the following message from First Spear Kobeck Huaru, leader of the The Wrenjers of Gylidd.    
"Wrenjers,   "Koujin and Verbera's war is not our war, although it can easily lead to the aggravation and reciprocation of our Foe. Keep yourselves light on your feet, in the field, in the streets, or in the courts. Vrokíva's wrath must be anticipated as best you can - send word immediately if either side begins to threaten the balance. And if help will take too long, I charge you to do only and exactly what you must to prevent either and all sides from drawing Her ire.   "Hedwydd hlad Cydwyssen, wrens."   — 1st Spear

Zhira 20th

  On the day following the initial assault on the port city of Sydathria, the ruling council of Sydathria entreat the magic users from The College Of Expanded Arcana to spread the following message to the major leaders of all regions within Myzelis, so that the rest of the world might see the full story:    
To the CEO of Akicorp and Ruler of Koujin, Meidiji Deva,   You have our deepest sympathies at the loss of not one but two of your grand nation’s honorable rulers. Our collective hearts go out to you at the loss of not only leaders, but family.   In recent months, before the start of this new year, we have worked tirelessly to uncover the truth of what happened on that fateful day two months ago, both conducting our own investigations into the matter and assisting you in yours, going so far as to turn the Kaedian embassy into a base of operation for such endeavors. And during all that time, all leads proved inconclusive, as your own operatives concluded.   Why now do you believe that we, the people of Sydathria, to be the perpetrators of this unforgivable act? You have always been one of our first and foremost trade partners; what have we to gain by eliminating those that established these trade routes?   Verbera has earned its moniker. It is a Forest of Fangs in which no one is truly safe, for there is always a bigger fish. Throughout our history, we have strived to strengthen our communities and provide for the whole rather than the one. This is how we have treated these deaths, and you now spit on our efforts. We can only imagine that you have done this out of grief, seeking a scapegoat for the atrocity that has occurred. And to extend an arm in friendship one more time, we will harbor no ill will towards the proud nation of Koujin if you, Meidiji Deva, call for a ceasefire effective immediately so that we might discuss how to conduct further investigations into this matter. If an assassin or hidden cabal is found within the walls of Sydathria, we shall ensure they are handed over to the government of Koujin for proper and fair punishment.   But if you continue this senseless violence, barraging our shores with metal and flame, we shall have no choice but to respond in kind. Our skin has grown thick from centuries of fighting for our lives, and you shall soon discover how potent our fangs have become. You have cost us dearly already in damages of property and the dispelling of all teleportation circles within the city, leaving citizens of other nations stranded here with no way home. You are killing innocents who have no knowledge or connection to these deaths, and every life lost from this point forth will be paid by your soldiers. Make your choice carefully, Meidiji Deva. This decision may set the stage for the remainder of your time as ruler of Koujin.

Zhira 21st

  Blue Press News circulates the following report:    

Blue Path Calls for Peace

  By BRIBIS THALONGA 21 Zhira   ILLHUM (BP) - The Blue Path has made it clear in the wake of the earlier announcement it wishes to negotiate peace in the region to help restore peace to Myzelis as a whole. In a conference held at their estate following a celebration of the holiday season, current High Chancellor of the Exchequer, Conaska Falar’sallash, wasted no time in calling for aid from the realms of Myzelis to assist with the Blue Path led peacekeeping efforts in the region.   “We do not have time to fully investigate the goings on within the seas we all share, but this should not stop us from attempting to ensure we maintain a peace that we have upheld all these years.”   Chancellor Falar’sallash made clear in their statment earlier this morning, that nothing will slow the continued trade and transportation coming out of the region.   “We seek to understand where both of our fellow members of Myzelis are coming from in this coming conflict and seek to negotiate terms in the following days. Efforts will be made to make sure both regions are still supplied and serviced while we seek to reduce conflict. The Blue Path will continue to uphold its founding principles of the unification of Myzelis and its people.”   This news comes right after recent Mistcall celebrations in the Illhum, with Falar’sallash working alongside Master of Crafted Goods Niers to increase paper and ink production within the city.

Zhira 22nd

  Roaring like thunder, the Koujin fleet bombards the city of Sydathria with cannon fire for the second day. While the defending Sydathrians managed to disable quite a few warships in the counterattack the night prior, the Koujin fleet still holds strong. Casters from the College Of Expanded Arcana put up walls of force to stop the cannon balls from tearing their city apart while the Spellswords prepare to defend the beaches from ground troops.   Suddenly, it feels as if the pressure in the air begins to change.   Dark clouds move in, covering the coast and blotting out the sun. A bright light can be seen beaming from the capital ship of the Koujin fleet. The light blinks away abruptly, and the clouds begin to part as a massive meteor flies towards the capital ship. However before it can impact, the meteor evaporates as it is dispelled.   All at once a barrage of lights and sounds erupt from the capital ship. Beams of green light, massive explosions, and the booming commands of two spell casters reciting arcane incantations shake the seas. Nearby ships are heavily damaged by the magical barrage; even the capital ship doesn’t go unscratched as the mast is torn asunder, thrown into the sea by bursts of arcane energy.   This arcane duel could have lasted no more than a few minutes, as the seas suddenly go silent. The dark clouds dissipate, letting the clear skies shine through once again. The silence broken by the continuing cannon barrages against the city of Sydathria.   It becomes clear throughout the day that Koujin is no longer giving it all they have.   One by one, their ships begin turning back towards their homeland. Eventually by nightfall, the capital ship turns and leaves. The Koujin fleet has left, after only two days of fighting.  

Zhira 24th

  On the 24th of Zhira, an announcement is sent out from Koujin. Delivered by Oda Deva, the CEO of Akicorp, who makes a public apology for the short but violent siege of Sydathria.  
I can’t begin to tell the world how sorry I am for my actions. My emotions blinded me, and I was tricked into hurting a dear friend of Koujin. My first act as Ceo of Akicorp resulted in the deaths of hundreds. I have brought dishonor to the Oda and my father. However, I don’t intend on just apologising for my mistakes, I will fix them.   To start off, Koujin does not wish to be at war with Sydathria any longer. This was a mistake on my part and I want to end it here. I know I took much from Sydathria and I know that I can’t replace the lives lost. But I intend to do everything in my power to help rebuild the damage I’ve caused.   I intend to pay Sydathria what it needs to repair the structural damages twice over.   I intend to open up my ports to Sydathria so they can better connect with the world of Gylidd Syn Aethri.   I intend to provide assistance to help them grow into the powerful country I believe they deserve to be.   This is how I intend to apologize for my actions.   Next I want to explain who was responsible for leading me astray. Phoenix, a criminal organization, was responsible for the deaths of my brother and father. However, they were not working with Sydathria like I suspected.   We interrogated those who conducted investigations in Sydathria and found that they were Phoenix operatives tampering with the evidence. I was too distraught over the deaths of my family to notice how strange it was that our allies in Sydathria suddenly turned their blades against us.   I hope that Sydathria accepts my offers of peace. I don’t expect to be forgiven, but I hope they allow me to reach out and make their realm better than it was before. I intend to see that the actual perpetrators behind the murder of my family are put to justice. However, before that I will dedicate all of the resources of Akicorp and my own personal wealth into the restoration of Sydathria.   I pray and hope that this is the beginning of a new prosperous era for Koujin and Sydathria.
  The following letter is published in the latest Gylidder newsletters and copied into missives shared with the Realms of Myzelis, shortly after CEO Oda Deva's letter enters circulation.  
"We are aware of Akicorp and Koujin's intent to sue for peace and make reparations for initiating a war with Sydathria.   It is our intent to open trade and passage for official Koujin business into and through Gylidd - if and when Sydathria and Akicorp reach an official and binding peace treaty.   The Chair of the Civic Synod invites both parties to hold their peace summit here at Castle Inaethriddr within the Garden of Peace - which all Myzelis knows falls within the divine empathy of the Rhuddinwyd - to ensure both sides are heard and that the accord is a lasting one founded on truth. This is by no means a condition of the rescinding of our embargo, but it will go far to mediate any necessity for post embargo reparations.   Gylidd patiently awaits the peace that is sure to come.   Advocate Amrith Hogaine
Chair of the Civic Synod of Gylidd Syn Aethri
  A proclamation to the floor of the Gyliddring by the Herald of the Khagan, on his behalf:  
It has come to my attention through a Mistcall letter received by one of my trusted subjects that the words of Oda Deva of Akicorps ring hollow. Said letter, a copy of which will be presented to all interested diplomats, is Oda Deva’s confession to intending to kill his own brother and declare war upon Verbera. His apology is a lie built on a farce, and my peoples will have no further dealings with his twisted dealings. Trade from Koujin will no longer be accepted in the Khazmag Khaganate, and we recommend all other realms whose interests include justice to do the same. I also extend my friendship and aid to the victims of Oda Deva, the people of Verbera, for the preservation of your sovereignty and traditions.   Turan Barukai
Khagan of the Khazmag and Rilumir

Zhira 25th

  The following day, the 25th of Zhira, the Ruling Council of Sydathria publishes an official response to Oda Deva's apology and call for peace.  
This is a message to Oda Deva and all peoples of Myzelis.   The recent actions taken by Akicorp and Koujin have not been taken lightly. Innocent blood has been spilled, and the deaths of our people shall not be forgotten.   We, the council of Sydathria, wish for a smooth resolution of this conflict, and will accept your offer of peace on the condition that you honor what you have declared. Koujin shall pay for all that it has done to this city and more, until Sydathria stands taller and prouder than before your gunships ripped us asunder. Forgiveness must be earned, and there is much to be forgiven.   As you, Oda Deva, have acted out of grief, so too shall the people of Sydathria. Do not expect that any representative, worker, or merchant shall be embraced with open arms. We cannot and shall not try to control the emotions of our people, from whom you have taken much. They may lash out as you have, and you will respect this. An eye for an eye, as many say.   But despite this, our two nations shall not be left blind. Both sides have suffered losses, and once the price is paid, we hope that both of us shall be stronger for it.   To all other nations across Myzelis, Do not pity us. The city of Sydathria has faced the first international conflict of this new era and survived. We wish only to make allies and strengthen us all for the common good. If you come to us with well wishes and offers of goodwill, they will be accepted wholeheartedly. There is nothing that we want more than to establish good relations. But if you come against us as Koujin has, you will be met in kind. Our hides have been hardened by the Forest of Fangs we call home, and our bite is far worse than our bark. This is a welcome and a warning.   We wish to be your allies, but will not back down as your enemies.

Zhira 27th

  Blue Press News circulates the following report:  

Peace Treaty Signed, Koujin and Sydathria Cease Fire

  By Odessa Diamondtongue 27 Zhira   PENDLECRIEG (BP) - After an agreed upon ceasefire between the two powers following the crushing counter offensive, Koujin has agreed to come to the table in a declaration of peace. A formal apology from Akicorp CEO, Oda Deva, was made three days ago, announcing his personal wrongdoings that lead to the beginning of the conflict, what reparations were to be made, and finally offered a more formal explanation and plan for the future.   In response the following day, the Ruling Council of Sydathria put out an official statement accepting the offer of peace. In this statement, it was made clear what the people of Sydathria expected from upcoming agreements, established their feelings toward the people of Koujin, and shared hopes for a mutually beneficial, if tense, future for the two.   A formally declared pledge was accepted during a peace summit held in the overseeing neutral territory of Pendlecrieg, Eslaiqeza. The agreement was overseen by councilor Mardnab Turen of Pendlecrieg, as a representative of the United People’s of Eslaiqeza. In this agreement Oda Deva formailized his promise, declaring to pay for the damage done to Sydathria twice over, open up trade to ensure easier trade between Verbera, Koujin, and Gylidd, and has put forth a plan to lend the aid of Akicorp in the reconstruction and further growth of Sydathria. In addition to all of this, a formal treaty of allegiance was also signed, with Deva vowing to lend the aid of Koujin to Sydathria should any future conflict arise within this new Age.