Sydathria Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


The city of Sydathria is a testament to the potential reached when all four of the major races of Verbera join forces. An expansive city built on three levels, Sydathria has grown to be the largest city on Verbera since its founding in 2552 AI. With most of the citizenry housed within the treetops, the markets, shops, and other more knowledge-based places of business on the ground level, and mining operations and Underdark exploration beneath the surface, the city of Sydathria makes excellent use of the space it has.  

Population and Commerce

Most of the non-native population on Verbera resides within Sydathria, as it is the capital of trade on the dangerous island and the hub for the export of numerous materials. Lumber and ores make up the bulk of Sydathria’s more mundane exports, but what most coveted are the gemstones mined beneath the city. These precious diamonds are ideal for use in spellcasting and have helped make Sydathria notable across Myzelis. To reach the jewel and ore mining facilities, visitors must descend beneath the earth and into the remains of an old Nimish city. Despite their ominous appearance, these ruins make for excellent barracks for miners, and serve as a highly defensible area. Some of the mine shafts reach Verbera’s Underdark, and dangerous denizens often find a way into the mines before these holes are patched up.  

The College

The pride and joy of Sydathria is the College of Expanded Arcana. Originally a wizard’s college, it has since then evolved into a school of magic in all its forms, focusing more on understanding the abilities and limitations of magic rather than money. Scholars still make ends meet by providing various services to the other settlements on Verbera and beyond - mass-producing certain types of magical items and carrying information far and wide.  

City Government

Ruling over the city of Sydathria are a number of noble families, many of whom have some form of control over the various businesses and organizations within the city. Most of these families are fair and respected by the general populace, focusing their efforts on keeping their respective companies operating in ideal conditions.
Founding Date
2552 AI
Location under