The Auren Beacon Item in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Auren Beacon

The Auren Beacon is an artifact which was created by Thamuir to aid their worshippers in destroying undead. It appears to be a piece of nearly indestructible mirrored silver over two feet long, which was traditionally strapped to the outside of a shield.   The Auren Beacon's primary power is to reflect the light of the Mhelydraud (Myzelis' trinary sun) no matter the time of day, elevation, or obfuscation.   The Auren Beacon was fashioned in the year 850 BAI and outlived its creator (Thamuir was rendered Aethrin and slain in 2471 AI), but was lost sometime between the Deconstruction of Hsar in 3208 AI and the Disappearance of the Army of Light in 3210 AI. The most reputable rumor regarding the method of its destruction involve sacrificing the living descendants of the Clergy of Thamuir (who are no longer clerics of the dead Inaethri but still bear the bloodline of the Hand of Light) over its mirrored face.
Item type
Unique Artifact
The Beacon creates a 30 foot radius of true sunlight at all times, unless covered with layers of heavy cloth or sealed inside an object (which begins to take 1d6 fire damage per round until it is destroyed). This light can be focused by angling the mirror - three times per day it can emit a brilliant flash that instantly and completely destroys all undead within a 100 foot radius (DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, 20d6 radiant damage on a success).