The Falcon’s Fury in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Falcon’s Fury

A lone sailing ship charts a course along the southern shores of Gylidd, drifting dangerously close to fogbanks that bear Vrokíva’s Brume. Its three masts are tattered and lousy with holes, but somehow the supernatural wind that bears the ship is wrapped up on the black sailcloth all the same. Every surface creaks, every yardarm bows, every rope frays at a touch, but the vessel sails on nonetheless, as if propelled by a will.   The crew is sickly and shadowed, lingering on the edge of life and death, but take to their posts and tasks with a grim inevitability. They, like you, are unchained, but bound to the course laid out by the ship’s owner - a dread necromancer known as the Shrike of Hsira.
  This three-masted sailing vessel held a crew of over 100 undead creatures of varying types, mostly ghouls and wights. There was a mess hall, wherein an undead cook portioned out food that is fresh and filling, but untouched by any of the rest of the crew. The barred and windowless cabins seemed like prison cells, but none of the doors were locked, implying that anyone could walk in or out at any time. Most of the hold was portioned for cargo, watched over endlessly by dozens of undead creatures sitting still as the grave, and the bilge hatches bulged with the stench of undeath as they are filled to burst with corpses.   It was eventually revealed during the Banishment of the Shrike that the ship was actually a construct with two forms - a sailing ship, and a colossal bird of prey. The Shrike was easily able to teleport anywhere in the world with the ship by maintaining physical contact with it in either form, and used it to predate upon and gather both the living and the dead from the Realms of Gylidd and others nearby.   The Falcon's Fury was eventually permanently destroyed in the skies over Gylidd Syn Aethri by a team of Wrenjers and their allies after it attacked Izzithsicoria Dauddraig, and its shattered hull crashed to the earth not far from Cyfrin's Citadel southeast of the metropolis.     The Falcon's Fury shortly before its destruction in Falka, 0 AE.