The Itokuni in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Itokuni

The Itokuni (ih-TAW-koo-nih) are a conclave of primeval dryads and subordinates of Vrokíva who are known to inhabit foggy forests whether in the lowland shores or mountain heights throughout Gylidd Island. They are rarely seen directly, most often witnessed as an indistinct shape cloaked in the fog. Other times they have been known to appear as beasts (most often a predator) made of earth and foliage with a magnetic and commanding presence when they choose to be seen, and is the weight of the watchful forest when they choose to be unseen.   It is thought that if Chimrianisi had a nightmarish counterpart, it would be the Itokuni. They are all the beauty and splendor of nature, and all the fear of becoming lost in it and the anxiety of being stalked in the domain of the beasts that call it home. The Itokuni are said to feed on the emotions of those who lose their way, especially the conflicted blend of breath taken and heart quickened by the awe and dread invoked by the majesty of untamed wilderness. So long as no harm is done to the forest, the lost are usually eventually released — and some return with more, as more, than they arrived (often as Warlocks, Hexbloods known as Splinters, or both).   Those who bring harm or disrespect to the forest and its inhabitants are found as only bones, if at all.
Associated Inaethri
Patron Type(s)
The Archfey


  The Itokuni are thought to have existed, on a communal if not individual level, since before the Ripple and formation of the Brume. Springing from Myzelis’ natural planar ‘estuaries’ between the Prime Material and the Feywild, their relationship with both planes of existence is as intimate and natural as the other, and they are equally at home in either. As such, Itokuni cannot be banished from either plane, and Vrokíva does not seem to regard them as planar trespassers as she might with most other Fey. The relationship between them is one of mutual purpose, rather than being compelled to serve from the threat of the Brume Wolf’s jaws around their neck — as is Vrokiva’s more typical relationship with Otherworldly Patrons.  


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Special Terms of the Pact

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Binding Mark

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Bans and Taboos

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