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Amelni (A-Mel-Nee)

The Goddess of the Moon Amelni

Listen closely my little moonbeam as gods you and are immortal, we will live forever, but we are not infalaube and the future is always uncertain so you must make me a promise ok. If I should ever leave you and my children alone, whether I am gone or simply far away, you must not be sad. You're smile is just too beautiful.
- Ahshina, The Mother Goddess
The cool-headed and warm-hearted Goddess of the moon and night Amelni is always the most likely of her kin to intervene when mortals are suffering.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Daughter of Diana

Why hello my little lady, aren't you something special! you don't know how speical yet I'm sure but I do. I can see it in your eyes. Their your parent's eyes. They shine with your father's mirth but your mother's passion still smolders within you. It is an amzing combantion, a heart blessed with the peaceful tranqulity of winter and all the passion of a restless sky. You will grow to be the best of us I think. A safe harbor that refuses to be disturbed by the storm roiling around it.
- Ahshina, The Mother Goddess speaking to the newborn Amelni

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Amelni's Calendar

Since time immemorial the moon has blessed the realm of Requiem with it's light and as the goddess of the moon Amelni has countless followers across races but the most common representaion of her mortal influence is Ellen Lunameir, The only universally accepted mortal calendar.


Family Ties

The Eldest Granddaughter

I don't know where you've gone Grandmother and I dont understand why you left us all alone. Mother is furious she's calling you things I'd rather not relay and she isn't the only one. Everyone is angry or sad, everyone is crying most of them are cursing you're name, I tried to calm them down but it's hard when they just start cursing me too... and its nearly impossible when I wish I could curse you too! But I can't! It's not because I know you must have had your reasons. That doesen't make me miss you any less! It doesen't make me forget that you never said goodbye... not even too me. I want to hate you for disappearing! but still I can't bring myself to curse you or hate you because... because I made you a promise. So I'll keep smiling! I'll make this world a better place! I'll wait for you and if you come back... when you come back then I'll curse you to you're face.
- Amelni, The Goddess of the Moon, praying to her grandmother Ahshina
Despite her charming and often childish mannerisms Amelni is actaully the eldest of Ahshina's Grandchildren. As such she spent more time with the Mother Goddess than any of her kin, and when she disappeared some say it hurt Amelni more than anyone else. As a child Amelni abosrbed more of Ahshina's teaching than any of her predecessors and any of her younger siblings and cousins. Her grandmother's endlessly warm heart and her vision for the world filled Amelni with wonder and taught her the power of her joy and kindness. It was becuase of her honest belief in her grandmother's stories and teachings that Amelni strove to forever retain her childish attitude, and she succeded.

Social Aptitude

It's funny, my sister is one of the oldest of us, older even than me but for some reason she never lost that light in her eyes. She faces the horrors of this world with a smile on her face and her heart on her sleeve. Mother says that she is foolish, that she should know better than to greet the world with such childish ignorance but-well, I think it's admirable. Amelni has seen all the tragedies the rest of us have, maybe more, and yet... Somehow, somehow she still smiles and laughs just like a little girl.
- Deminea, The Goddess of the Sun
Despite her age and wisdom Amelni is often considered and described as one of the most childish of all the Gods. She approches every aspect of her life with a blind optomism many of the gods consider foolish and she spends more of her time playing with her children and answering petty mortal prayers than anything else. Amelni doesnt mind the scorn of the more serious gods she accepts with a smile and often makes fun of them for being too stuck up in retaltion.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Goddess of the Moon
  • The Lady of Silver
  • Daughter of Winter
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
27th of Lunaspeeri, 2004 RMG
Year of Birth
Almond, Light Green
Moon White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

Character Portrait image: Amelni and the Moon by Ranger Marcy


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