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Ahshina (Ash-Shee-Na)

The Mother Goddess Ahshina

The gods are vile and selfish creatures, but Ahshina is diffrent she watches over the natural world with wholehearted care. Had she been born but a few centuries earlier I would have called her my sister. I will not bear arms against her if I dont have to, and I will not tolerate it from any of you either.
-Lucifer Morgane, speaking with the Seven Deadly Sins
Worshiped as the Mother Godess and occasionally refered to as the Last Primordial the mysterious elder Godess Ahshina was born after The Fall of Luz during The Age of Sorrow as one of the most powerful embodiments of nature to ever exist. After Styx's attack it was Ahshina's magic that restored the world and that magic still permates every plant and animal in the Realm of Requiem.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Birth of Ahshina

Oh my dear friends, what tragedy befell you all? What could have done this to you? Oh how I wish I had met you.
- Ahshina, The Mother Goddess
Ahshina was born of wild magic after Primordial">Primordial  set about restoring the world that had made her. She traveled across land and sea planting flowers in her wake and pulling trees from the earth as she buried the remains of her predecessors and learned all she could from the forgotten civilization. During her quest to lay her predecessors to rest Ahshina stumbled upon the dormant remains the primordial Nim, the future God of the North. She begged him for information, pleading to know what had happened to him, what had caused such a horrible extinction but Nim remembered nothing of his identity or his past. So the two set out to continue Ahsina's burial crusade, and while she sought to heal her broken world, Nim scoured the globe in hopes of finding his lost past. During their travels the pair encountered a precious few survivors scattered all across the world. Some were so lost in their pain that they remained beyond reach even after discovery. But some, a remarkable handful of the meager survivors were woken with their psyche, if not their memories relatively intact. Almost all of these survivors chose to leave Ahshinia and Nim in favor of a life of solitude but there were three who chose to stay. One by one, Nim's three younger siblings all chose to join their sibling and his friend in their quest. However, among the countless corpses that littered the world Ahshina and the Winds found nine that stood out. Nine scorched skeletons scattered across the continets but all located at the center of a great crater as if they had fallen from the sky. She could not explain why but Ahshina felt that these nine fallen deserved special reverence and so in the center of each of these crater's. directly above the corpse of the fallen she grew a Nexus Tree only after Ahshina had acomplished all of this was she truly content with her burial of the Primordial culture, but even so, she still found herself unsatisfied. The natural world adored her, but the birds and trees could never be her equal, and even with the Gods of the Wind by her side, Ashina found herself praying for companionship of a different kind. Ahshina longed for a child, she held the sole of life in her heart. magically shaping a child into being was within her power but creating it herself would allow her control of not just its physical form, but personality and values as well, and Ahshina wanted to be a mother, not create the perfect child. So she used her magic on herself using her power of fertility to impregnate herself. Her cleverness was rewarded and nine months later she gave birth to the goddess Kalyna, The Queen of Thorns. Ahshina's magic, However had residual effects, and two years later she found herself pregnant again this time with the daughter that would become Diana, The Goddess of the Sky. Finally three years after Diana's birth Ahshina found herself unexpectedly pregnant for the third and final time, this time with the god Belaron, The Lord of the Surf.  

The Reign of the Mother Goddess

In the years following her unexpected pregnancies Ahshina, along with the Gods of the Wind raised the children as best she could. They were unbridled, at times they were rebellious, and their adoptive aunts and uncles were sometimes just as unruly but, in time, Ahshina tamed them all. The mischievous gods of the wind often just needed a reminder of who exactly had woken them from their endless hibernation and she, like all good parents, earned the respect of her children through patience, understanding, and just enough hard discipline. By the time they were grown and the ranks of the gods began to grow with them Ahshina's role as the matriarch of the gods was unquestioned. It was a new era of prosperity for the world and it lasted nearly two-thousand years. For centuries, Ahshina watched as her children matured and her family grew. They fought as all family's do, but they were happy and Ahshina was content with that so she stepped back and ruled her kin from afar. spending more time acting as a friend and mentor than a mother. Of course she was always there when her children needed their mother, but as the centruies past Ahshina felt no need to be overbearing so unless her children began to grow truly resentful of each other or when their squabbles and games threatened the natural order she was generally willing to leave them to their own devices and spend her days playing with family instead of parenting them. Like all great things, however, Ahshina's dream came to an end.  

The Coming of the Seraphim

In the hours before the Primordial Luz crossed over The White Gate from Hell to The Realm of Requiem the gods sensed the prescence of his magic high in the mountains and although they did not understand why it its presence filled the Gods of The Wind with a horrible terrifying dread, it was the last thing they remembered fromStyx's Rampage  . Panicked that whatever unknown horror had fallen upon them before had returned they begged Ahshina to march to the white gate and confront it before everything was destoryed. Trusting their judgement, she agreed, and so when Luz entered the White Gate alongside his Angels he was greeted by a host of fearful and hostile gods. Unable to sense the curroption the void had left in him Luz greeted the gods with tentative confusion. He intorduced himself as a member of The Seraphim and explained the circumstances of his exile along with the tale of his life before as best he could remember it. But even after hearing his ballad Diana remained unconvinced, she argued that Luz could be lying or that he could still be a danger even if he didn't know it. No matter his intentions he carried a piece of Styx inside of him. all of the gods could sense his taint even if he himself could not and none of them could be sure it would not grow or transform him into another Annihilator. Perhaps an even more dangerous one. If the tail Luz told was true, if he was the youngest and weakest of ten siblings, all of whom died trying to destroy the Void the first time it appeared, then such a threat simply could not stand. It had to be destroyed. Luz was taken aback by her acusations and swore that the any taint the void had left with him had not affected his character. He wished the gods no harm. but the Gods of the Wind remained unsettled and nothing Luz said or claimed could overshadow the darkness they saw inside of him. So the gods agreeded that Luz was simply to great a threat and demanded he return to his own realm. Even Luz's angelic children began to doubt him. With testimonies from each of the Primordial Gods Diana manged to convince all of Luz Angels and all but seven of the Seravium to disassociate from him. An outcome that drove Luz into a mindless rage and a great battle erupted. A battle that left scars on both sides. When the dust settled six of the Seven Deadly Sins had lost their wings and only ninty-nine of the angels who had joined the gods remined unharmed. They became the Furies. The others had had thier father's power stripped from them completely. They lost thier wings, most of their magic, their immortality, and their memories. These angels were the first Elves and were known from then on as The Forgotten. In the end the gods celebrated their victory and the presence of the newly appointed Furies. They viewed the battle as a righteous one. A necessary evil to protect themselves from the devouring dark. Only Ahshina ever suspected that they had reacted too harshly, that Luz tale might have held true if given the chance. Even though she knew nothing of the horrors the Gods of The Wind had feared, she remembered all too well the nine charred corpses of the Nexus Trees. If what Luz claimed was true and he and his siblings had batteld the great darkness in the sky then those nine corpses undoubtly belonged to them. and if Luz had fought so hard, sacrficed so much for the world they called home, was it right to brand him it's next destroyer. Ahshina questioned all of this and more but she could not prove her suspicious or his innocence. She had sensed the darkness The Void had left on him just as her children had, and if Diana's fears were accurate he posed a great danger to them all, even so, Ahshina was still wracked with guilt for driving Luz back to into Hell. On some level it felt as though she had betrayed eveything she had worked so hard to rebuild and so as the festivties continued, Ahshina decided to reevaluate her purpose. At the hight of the celebration she crowned her daughter Diana as the new Queen of the Gods as a reward for her appropriation of the angels and her incredible effort towards a peaceful resolution, however futile it turned out to be, and then, she vanished. Later that night Ahshina locked herself in a pocket demension within Elsyina and has not left it since. Some of the elder races still pray to her, including a handful of her children and evey now and again her magic touches the world in subtle and mysterious ways that those who witness them must unravel for themselves, but her absence left the gods, who have no idea what promted her disappearance, in far more dissary than any floating leaf or whispered word could ever undo and Diana, along with many of the gods, often curse their great mother for creating so much strife in the family she swore she would always protect.

Morality & Philosophy

Before her disappearance Ahshina's morality was admired by all the Gods. No other creature before or since was so wholly and passionately devoted to the betterment of the world. The truly admirable aspect of Ahshina's philosophy was not her personal devotion to it but the strictness with which she imposed it on her kin. During The Reign of the Mother Goddess the gods of Elsyina were always careful to keep the collateral damage of their grudges and disputes to a minimum for fear of angering their matriarch. The world thrived as dense jungles and sprawling plains covered it's surface. But when Ahshina abandoned the world she left Her daughter in charge of preserving and upholding her philosophies in a quickly changing world and as the Fae mortal races began to thrive, Diana began to struggle as she slaved day and night to adapt and preseve the peace her mother had created, and while she struggled the mortal races continued to expand and consume. When the world finally settled despite Diana's best efforts much of what Ahshina had strove to protect had been destoyed and the era of peace she had created had long since come to an end.
Date of Death
1898 AS 15 /2
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Wild Magic
Warm, Round, Forest Green
Long, Sleek, Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chocolate Brown


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