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Tres Soulweaver

Soulweaver Tres

Tres Soulweaver is one of the few powerful mages in history that chooses to live quiet life instead of using her magic to carve her name into history. She is perfectly content to live in her home town and only ever leaves when she feels honor-bound to do so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A snarky, sarcastic, and dramatic fortune teller, Tres is a lighthearted and lifelong resident of the mountain city of Aciri. Before her birth Tres' mother, Cecilia Darrow, had been a member of the noble family of Aciri, the youngest sister of the Duke Harold Darrow, but when Tres was born with horns and red-tinted skin her mother's father, the current Duke Alton Darrow disowned his daughter stripping her of her title and privliage. He was so enraged by the existence of his demonic granddaughter that he forbid anyone in the city to work or acknowledge his daughter's existence. Most people would have left the city but Tres' mother refused to leave her home and so without any chance to make a respectable life for herself For years she had watched her mother be robbed and abused but Aciri's criminal underbelly and she vowed she would never allow herself to be taken advatage of like her mother. By the age of six she was already a talented performer and pickpocket, but when she was seventeen she met a traveling wizard who took a liking to her and taught her to cast minnor illusions. Tres was infatuated with her new powers and shortly after the wizard left the city she told her mother that she had to leave, that she needed learn more. Her mother was thrilled that Tres had found something she enjoyed and encouraged her to travel to the city of Wayfinder to practice magic. Tres left and enrolled at the univeristy with high hopes, but life at Wayfinder was harder than she had bargined for. Magic didn't come easily to her and her demonic blood earned her her fair share of bullies. At the end of her first year Tres wanted nothing more than to drop out, but then she thought of how excited her mother had been that she had decded to persue a talent other than pickpocketing. It had been the first time Tres had ever seen real happiness on her face, and so Tres made a decision, to protect her mothers happiness she did the one her mother had always warned her never to do. Tres summoned her father, the demon Kahnador, and made a deal. A deal that granted her the power she needed to thrive at Wayfinder and allowed her to gradute as a Warlock and return home to become one of Aciri's most popular entertainers, at least on the surface.
Wolfish Yellow
Sleek, Long, Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Demonic


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