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Violet Aurora

The Angel of Darkness, The Dark Angel Violet Aurora (a.k.a. Vi)

She's not like the others. I don't why she's different but she is. She want's to avoid a war and for some inexplicable reason she's given me a chance to prove I want to too. She has no reason to trust me but she does. I think she is what mortals imagine when they pray to angels.
-Nadagor Nor
Violet Aurora is the most famous Angel to have ever existed. The tale of her love for the demon prince Nadagor Nor is a tale sung by mortals everywhere as a reminder that love knows no bounds. However, this same love has also labeled her as an outcast and mockery. The Gods labeled her an exile and forbid her from ever returning to her homeland in Elsyina while the Demons see both her and Nadagor as a disgrace to their kind and openly hunt them.
Current Location
Deep, Round, Lavender
Long, Bright, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Olive
Quotes & Catchphrases
People often tell me that loving a demon is what drove my family to banish me, but I already knew that, what they dont know is that Nadagor is a part, whether I like it or not, if I'm forbidden to be with him than I'm forbidden to be myself. Comforming to my family's racsim doesn't change that fact or make who I really am any less valid. It just deprives me of the love my life and if I have to choose... I'll always choose him.
- Violet Aurora
It's foolish of you to brand me with a title like The Angle of Darkness and then call me evil. Darkness is not malevolent, your just scared of it! Claiming your fear as my villainy doesn't make me evil. It makes me brave, it makes me unique and self confident, and it makes you a coward! I may not be perfect, sure, but neither are you. I am who I am and I won't change because you don't like the person I've become.
- Violet Aurora


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