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Final Destiny Session XXXIII

General Summary

The Noble Nine *Now Hiring* rests within the forest to mend their wounds. In the middle of the night, their rest is interrupted by a group of individuals that dub themselves The True Nation of Biorno. Ptekal wakes up the rest of the party as more people attack them from the dark shrubbery. Zombies and Banshee start to appear as a necromancer emerges from the shadows. She uses her dark magic to knock Rook Graves unconscious as zombies begin to feast on him. At the same time, the Banshee's wale knocks Rozhn Kiru unconscious prompting Yaoguai Qing to heal him with a potion. Juniper Solace helps Rook evade certain death with the Sanctuary spell as Harry Steele casts a rope trick. Harry takes Rook into his extradimensional space to protect him from further attacks. Rozhn plays his Pipes of the Sewers to defeat the humanoids on the battlefield as Yeinol, the young girl they have been taking care of, is captured by the enemy. The Necromancer casts Circle of Death on the party as Juniper mends people's wounds. The Necromancer disappears into the shrubbery as the party gathers their bearings. The party, extremely weakened on this point come to a split decision. Rozhn and Yaoguai start running to save Yeinol while the rest of the party rests. They drink several potions including potions of healing, speed, and growth to prepare for the coming battle. When they arrive they see Yeinol tied to a wooden pole over a campfire. A man adorned in plate armor draws his greatsword and explains that he worked under Queen Douteuse before the coup on 11/27/457. He elaborates that King Ox took him out of power due to his chaotic nature. Yaoguai disregards him and runs past him to the pole to free Yeinol. As he is freeing her, a Giant Ape named Louis grabs him and throws him 20 ft. away through tents. Rozhn then runs in and attempts to free her, struggling as the ropes are tied firmly. The people they're fighting start lighting Alchemist fire and prepare to throw it at Yeinol as Yaoguai runs back and rips her out of the pole. Rozhn grabs Yaoguai and then starts running. Yao jumps out of Rozhn's grasp with Yeinol and continues running. The Commander, now extremely raged runs to Rozhn and obliterates him with his greatsword. Yaoguai see's this occur and drinks a potion of haste, grabs Rozhn, then darts into the dusk with Yeinol in tow.
Report Date
29 Jul 2023

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