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Miliras, The Silver port


The city is comprised of a mixture of cultural ethnicities although it started as a primarily elve city being port made that a lot of diffrent other races made it its home be it because of the trading port or its status as a multicultural hub and point of access to the rest of Aethria, at this point is pretty much contituted by a lot of mix races but some examples include genasi, half elves, humans, orc, a few aasimar comunities, golbin and firbolg, and even in recent years some new races have entered it lik asura, charr and even temporary hubs for caravans of leoninmerchants and many others.


Since its inception Miliras was created to host several people in need and although the population has settled this is still being taken into consideration and from the moment the port was stablished people has been able to stay in the city without many regulations, although there are rules and other aspects to take into consideration, there are basic laws that are followed and ar divided into 3 main subjects regarding behaviour and problem solving, quality of life and sustenance for the city, and general crime and consequence.

  • Behaviour: For the people of Miliras there are rules of conduct, everyone is free to do business as long as its kept civil, rules of the Empire of Aethria apply but are not enforced however the general consensus is that you are responsible of your own actions, and you should know better than to mess with the people of Miliras, respect is also a norm, and proper manners in the premiss of the city.
  • Problem Solving: In regards of a problem, before asking the authorities about it there are simple precepts, things can be reasoned and solutions can be negotiated, after all miliras is a trading city and rules of the trade apply.
  • Quality of Life:Everyone is welcomed in Miliras and this follow thetradition under which the city was created butbeyond that everyone is given the opportunity to buy land if avaiable, and they should pay a tax related to their proffesion wheter it would be by service or coin they most contribute with their purpose, fees however are really fair and they are asked as per the cities needs not as a monthly or time related cost, this makes events run smoothly and allow people to contribute with their work rather thn make people spend on unneccesary remarks.
  • Sustenance: The city mantains a very stable trade and market although not the best in the world is definately one of the most active and refined ones, this gives the city a lot of money and allows the ruling of quality of life to exist, there exist a house of coin, a house of life, a house of diplomacy and a house of might, this different buildings give the people security in different aspects.
    The house of coin and diplomacy are inside the Conciliat and are supervised directly by the Mayor of the city, while the house of life has its own separate castle and has been ruled by a family tradition since its inception, finally the House of Might was changed to harbour ironically the international organization of the same name that regulates guilds, and as a reciprocal token of appreciation, they handle the traning of the breeze troops, miliras own police and militar force, also main members of the House reside in there from time to time.
  • Crime: As with any city should there be a broken law be it from thisguidelines the city provides or from any of the laws in Aethria, there most be a regulation and also a fitting consequence to actions, pople has the right to a trial and they will be escorted to The Gull the cities prison located in the underside of the city, if they try to run away they will be given chase by the breeze troops or if they have been already declared guilty they will even be perscuted internationally byt either house of might or an order issued towards The Guild of the Golden Crest.

Industry & Trade

fishing(docks on tower district), trade Dublais and diplomacy


Miliras hold one if not the most accomodated port, is not only big but is also fairly busy every day, as well as being the most astonishing of the ports in the world:

"Few can compare to the beauty of the maidens of Enfledch it is said, but I would argue the same to comparing any view to reaching Miliras by sea for the first time..." Hander Nangerfrost

The port is always avaiable for traders and it harbours around 50 docks total, as well as being accompanied by wave brakers and other magical protctiv mesures against sea currents and storms. But this isnt the only asset of the city which has certainly a coniderable amount of sight seeing to be done, several facilities for diplomacy like The Conciliat itself being the government building of the city, its sheer sight makes some capitals be put to shame, arounf 15 floors and a very interesting shape with lot of artistical inspiration that it makes it stand out from the rest of the city, but also the Castle of Doherne that stand just beside it, and lets not forget the main building of the House of Might, several important neighourhoods of really ancient tradition families are scather around Haverlain and Cavendish districts and lets not forget Barlain Div'halan, that on itself hold most of the cities history but other districts hold importance for the cities growth, there is also the core at Aternaris Square, and of course the undercity a sewer system that also hold the prison and its said to connect the whole city.


  • Aternaris Square:
  • Andurs:
  • Abertine District:
  • Carvalion Street:
  • Cavendish:
  • Haverlain:
  • Saint Thar'vahan Church:
  • Tower District(Docks):
  • Port Dublais(Docks):
  • Undercity:

Guilds and Factions

house of might, Seafarers, breeze troops


  • Miliras
Founding Date
25 SC
Alternative Name(s)
Silver Port, The Crecent Moon Village
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Traditions


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