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The Phoenix Tree

The Phoenix Tree is a legendary tree in Naiko. According to legend, the Phoenix Tree was originally a normal tree, but was blessed with a magical appearance and immortality by the Dragons, and at the same time the legendary phoenix was born. Both the phoenix and the phoenix tree are believed to be just legends, as there have never been any recorded sightings of either anywhere on Naiko (although according to legend, the phoenix disappeared before other species came to be).   Below is a transcription of the description of the legend of the Phoenix Tree from an ancient source.


Once, long, long ago, the very first tree was born. At that time the only creatures were dragons. The king of dragons decided to give the gift of fire to the tree. When it was time for the ceremony, all the dragons gathered around the tree. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a bird swooped down. The dragons were surprised and angry that this new creature had intruded in their lands. They started to breathe fire at the bird as it perched on the tree. They thought that the bird would die and that the tree would receive the gift of fire as they had planned. But instead of the bird dying, the bird received the gift of fire also! Then, the bird began to sing a beautiful song, enchanting the dragons. The king of dragons knew that this was a special bird, one meant to live with this tree. He named the bird the phoenix and named the tree the phoenix tree. The tree has lived forever but the bird disappeared when other creatures were born on the planet.
The accompanying image of the Phoenix Tree. (Unknown image credit.)


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