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The dragons are one of the oldest and yet least well-known species of Naiko. Though in the ancient times, they were just as social as fairies or elves, after the The Great War they withdrew to their caves across the sea. With the upsurge of conflict once again, the help of the dragons is desperately needed by the Good forces.

Basic Information


Dragons have two forms they can take: their reptilian dragon form and their humanoid form.   Their humanoid form resembles an elf, to the point where they are practically indistinguishable from elves with the exception of a few minor details, such as slightly sharper teeth, better eyesight, and a slightly taller height on average.   Their reptilian form is a classic dragon with four limbs, two of which can function as arms, two wings, and a tail. They are covered in scales that can be any color, but typically fall into one of two categories: metallic, resembling an existing type of metal, or jewel, resembling an existing type of gemstone.     Each dragon has a "crystal" that resembles a cut piece of the type of metal (for Metal Dragons) or gemstone (for Jewel Dragons) its scales emulate. In the dragon form, this is embedded into their forehead; in the human form, this is loose and must be carried by the dragon. Having this crystal on their person is necessary to shift back into their dragon form. When a dragon dies, the crystal separates from the body (if its owner was in dragon form).

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons must be in their humanoid form to become fertilized or to fertilize others; however, to lay the egg that results they must be in their dragon form. A dragon egg takes approximately 12 months to incubate before it is ready to hatch. The dragon hatches in its dragon form and cannot shift forms until it is approximately the equivalent of 6 human years old.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons live for typically around 1000 years, though there are some known to be much older than that. Dragons mature quickly and are considered mature anytime between 20 and 30 years of age. However, they do not typically breed until around 50 years, and will continue to mate every few years for 400-600 years. Their human forms reflect their equivalent human age, and so do not appear middle aged until around 500 years and old until around 800 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons stay mainly to the enormous system of seaside cliff caves they have created for themselves over centuries during the ancient times. The land inland from the caves is typically where they hunt, although they will also hunt larger aquatic prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are technically omnivorous, though in their dragon form they tend to be mainly carnivorous, saving plant matter to eat for their humanoid form, which is better at eating it. Dragons eat large meals every week or two, though if they are in their humanoid form for a long period of time they may need to eat smaller meals more frequently.

Biological Cycle

While they are able to hibernate, most dragons do not choose to do so. Hibernation must occur in the dragon form and puts the dragon into a deep, meditative state where no food is needed. This can last for 1-10 years depending on a number of factors. Hibernation is typically done in bad times for the group or for the dragon as an individual in hopes of it being better upon awakening.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragons traditionally have a leader who is advised by a council of the wisest dragons as elected by the group as a whole. The leader can pass the inheritance on to their child, nominate another dragon to take over, or leave the decision to the council.   Dragons are deferential to their elders, especially those multiple centuries older than them. However, children are also highly valued, as they do not reproduce at the same rate that other species do, making children relatively rare.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons have highly attuned senses that are at least twice as sharp as an elf's. Additionally, they have incredibly fast reflexes. They are in tune with the natural world and can typically sense the presence of people or any disturbances; however, they do not have magical powers as many other species do.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragons are given two names. One is a name that follows Elf naming conventions. The other is a name based on their physical appearance, typically their scales or some notable physical characteristic. These are sometimes treated as a first and last name respectively, or alternately the Elf-style name is used when they are in their humanoid form and the appearance-based name when they are in their dragon form.

Major Organizations

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Historical Figures

1000 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Dragon


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