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Trolls are one of the most prominent Evil species on Naiko. They are one of the larger humanoid species as well as one of the few flightless species. Although Trolls are technically capable of magic, it does not come as naturally to them as it does to other species and very few Trolls actually use magic.

Basic Information


Trolls are similar in frame to humans, although they are taller on average. Their skin is thick and rough and can be any of variety of natural colors, including browns, grays, and dull greens. Their hair is typically brown or black.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction works identically to humans. Trolls can reproduce with other trolls, and while no known examples exist, could potentially reproduce with other humanoid species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Trolls mature slightly faster than humans during childhood and slower once they reach adulthood. The age of adulthood among trolls is generally 16 years. Trolls can live well over 100 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The majority of trolls live in caves, spending most of their time underground. Nearly all trolls live in the The Troll Mountains, which are riddled with deep and complex cave systems that have been built out by the trolls who live there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Trolls are generally carnivorous, though they have also been known to eat eggs and other protein sources.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Trolls live in many tight-knit family clans which are known to form alliances and rivalries with one another. Only a few times in recorded history have all troll clans allied to form a total troll alliance.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Trolls speak the Trollish language, shared by the Evil species and known by a handful of Good species. Many trolls are also somewhat fluent in Common (as most non-troll literature is written in Common) but do not use it in their daily lives.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Trolls are the sworn enemies of Fairies and all Good species, and are allied with all other Evil species (though this is mostly a theoretical alliance, as they rarely interact with one another).
A battle-ready troll.
100 years
Average Height
7' (male and female)
Average Physique
Trolls are typically muscular and bulky, as unlike most other species on Naiko they do not need to be lightweight in order to fly efficiently.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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