Outlook Settlement in Nailara | World Anvil


Outlook is one of the most accessible locations in the Cooling Sands. For most, Outlook is the first place they are taught to travel to in the strange plane which is impossible to navigate.


Outlook is filled with a staggering variety of creatures, with the vast majority being extraplanar creatures such as angels, demons, and others from across the universe who have come seeking information. A few powerful creatures keep the peace in the town, ensuring that damage isn't done to the buildings or shops that set up there, but there is little other to keep anyone safe other than the threat of being expelled.


Outlook has few buildings, at first glance. Most of the town is filled with back-to-back tents and stalls of goods to trade - most often tomes, scrolls, and forgotten treasures. A few of the most established merchants and information dealers have entire buildings, but raw materials are difficult to come by on the Cooling Sands. Most are made of the blue-gray stone that forms the plane, with wood being a show of wealth.   Outlook's wealthiest inhabitants live in their own homes separate from Outlook - with their own methods of visitation.

The Ghost Balloon

At the center of the town is Outlook's only inn, the Ghost Balloon, a strangely pear-shaped building made of the local stone and some dark wood. It offers a variety of services, including rooms, dining, and private areas for privileged conversations. The building is owned and run by the Sentiment of Reflection, a snake-like shapeshifter who acts as bartender, information broker, and local know-it-all. Prices at the Ghost Balloon are exorbitant by mundane standards, but as most businesses in the Cooling Sands, useful or valuable information is often accepted as payment.   All are welcomed at the Ghost Balloon as long as fighting is taken outside. It is said there are numerous patrons who are happy to host fights to the death - for a fee.
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