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The goddess of magic, divinity, fortune telling and horoscopes. Escopira is a very grounded and peacefull goddess who spends most her days meditating on the weave as this connects her to all the realms. Hiwever recent disturbances have also started getting to her. She has become rather protective of late, warning her followers to prepare for the worst.
She also often chastises her brother Loki for encouraging con-men and women to abuse her powers for personal gain but he always seems to manage to find a way to bend the rules.

Divine Domains

Divination, all forms of fortune telling, horoscopes, magic and so much more. Escopira is a very spiritual godess, often travelling into different realms of existence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her main goal is to continue to protect and spread the influence of the weave and bestow more creatures with her mystical gifts, believing this would be a next step into evolution. If creatures could peek into the future and even get a little taste of the knowledge she possessed she believes they would act more wisely.


She is often worshipped during nighttime by candlelight or under the stars in the moonlight. She is also known to bestow her most loyal followers with a 6th sense, allowing them to see into other planes of existance and even astral project into them.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Divination


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