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The Goddess of Death, on the rare occasion she does show herself to mortal creatures she usually wears a black cloak to hide her appearance since half her body his heavily decayed and most creatures except for the animals might find that quite scary.
She is a very stoic and emotionless entity. She is neither good or bad and always seems to float somewhere in between. Essentially her job in the underworld is to sort and cut the strands of life while letting her angel Anthaos go and collect their souls, bringing them to Infernis for their final judgement. She is also known to multiply herself to get the job done. Needless to say she only rarely comes in contact with any actual living creatures as a result of these duties.

Divine Domains

The decision of life and death and guiding the collected souls to their final judgement.

Divine Symbols & Sigils



Hexa is often celebrated during All Hallow's Eve, this is also the time she is most likely to visit the world of the living... if she visits at all.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her goal is inevitably bound to her duty to decide who lives and who dies. She seeks balance. Which is also why she despises necromancers since they mess with the natural order of things.


She is a goddess that is often prayed to when one wants to extend one's life, yet she has never granted this wish before. Shrines dedicated to her can generally be found near graveyards.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Death


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