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The goddess of disease and plague. She is also the twin sister of Santiris, the Goddess of healing. It is believed the sisters have been battling each other since the beginning of time.
She often appears as a plague riddled woman or a swarm of rats. Antyhing vile and riddled with disease has her name written all over it. She revels in anything foul and despicable and is known for granting creatures, most humans, wicked deals where she grants power and knowledge while also infecting them. Only a fool or a truly foul creature would make deals with this Goddess, hence why she is so favoured by the Skavens and she is in return also very fond of them as rats in general are her prefered way of transmitting disease.
Though her powers do not stop there, she's also responsible for plagues that aren't always necessarily related to disease and rot, plagues of insects and other foul creatures are also something she specializes in.
She also has a loyal servant that helps her do her dark bidding, a demon called The Plague Bringer.

Divine Domains

All things considered vile, disgusting and sickening as well as the chaos that ensues from these things.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her initial goal was to create balance by population control, survival of the fittest as they say. However it seems the Skavens have touched something dark in her.


The only public places where shrines of her can be found are temples were all the divine are worshipped simultaniously she does have other places of worship besides these temples but these places are often off limits to the general public. This is mainly due to the people considering her a dangerous diety who's worship shouldn't be taken lightly, lest someone invokes her wrath. Yet she is also greatly respected, not only out of fear but also because people recognize she is needed for the balance of the world.
However it is known that people far more often than not tend to pray to her lighter counterpart, the goddess of healing and medicine in hopes that she will keep the Plague Bringer at bay.


She came into existance simultaniously as the Goddess of healing was created since there can not be light without darkness. She's been existing right beside her sister ever since.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Plague


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